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Slight smut 😏😚
P/s: face kinda reveal 🤧

Part eleven

The next day [your pov]

Both of you were seated in the VIP lounge with his parents. Even though they're not going, still... they want to see you both going on board for real.

"Mom dad... for real... you guys can go home now. We can take care of ourselves. Don't worry about us" Jungkook says with furrowed brows.

"I am not worried about you both. But I'm worried about you Jungkook cuz you always bring me a lot of trouble" his father said leaving you and his mom in giggles.

"I can only take a relieved breath after seeing you went on board with y/n" he added.

"Dad, do you know that you're exaggerating right now?" Jungkook rolls his eyes. Only to get giggles in return.

Inside the flight

"Jungkook?" He hummed in reply

"are you sleepy?" You look to your side.

"I'm not really sleepy but I think I'm gonna pass out anytime from now" you laughed at his stupid explanation.

"That means you are, dickhead" he laughed and looked at you and turned his body towards you.

"You know what, I never had a chance to board an airplane. This is the first time in my life. With business class of course... thank you..." I smiled at him.

"It's nothing y/n... just take this as a gift from me to you for helping me out" you forced a smile on your face.

"Yeah sure" you look away.


You gaze at him raising both of your eyebrows "can I hug you? You smell good. Please?" You nod.

He snuggled face in your neck, placing a few pecks giving you goosebumps. He smiles as he knows how much his small gestures can affect you.

You finally finished reading the magazine and put it aside. You let out a bored sigh and look around you. The other VIP's passengers had already fallen asleep.

Then you heard a little snore from the side of you. You rolled your eyes and looked in his direction.

How can I forget that he is snuggling up to me right now?

You scanned his ethereal face. That's when you find out he has a lot of adorable moles. You kinda miss seeing his doe eyes. Small structure nose. His kissable lips.

All of his beautiful eyes, nose and lips match with his facial features. You smile looking at his cute sleepy face with his lips slightly parted.

You let a soft touch in his nose with the tip of your index finger. "Do you really have to look gorgeous, Jungkook?" You whisper slowly.

"Why? You've fallen in love with my pretty face?" You startled at his sudden approach.

"What?? Euwww! No! Of course not!" You raised your voice making the other passengers shushed you.

Jungkook apologises to them on your behalf and silently laughs at you. "Screw you Jungkook!" You whisper at him.

Time skip


"Enjoy your stay Mr. and Mrs. Jeon. Happy honeymoon" the reception wishes you both.

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