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Part seventeen

Your pov

"And... cut! Perfect!! It's a wrap guys..." The director's shouts to be greeted by loud cheers and clapping from the staff "good job y/n. It's already 6:47pm you should go home and rest. Such a busy day today for you. Thank you so much. You are going to be one of the reason for the music video to blow up" the director patted your back.

You smile proudly at him and bow slightly to him. Then you saw Jimin approaching you. A wide grin plastered on his face as he made his way towards you.

"Do you know you are doing so well?" He smiled at you. "What do you mean?" You say as you blush a little.

"your facial expression! Oh my god they're literally like a pro. You do it like a professional. I swear to god y/n" he slid his hands inside his pocket slightly tensing his arms or to be precise flexing his muscles making it visible to you.

Your eyes slowly trailed down to his muscular arms before you quickly gaze up to his eyes.

"I just did what I've been told. Nothing more" you reply looking down on the floor. "No, you did a very good job" out of nowhere smirking Jimin took steps closer.

Closing the gap between the two of you. You furrowed your eyebrows as he came closer to you. Suddenly you heard a loud bang making you flinch and Jimin stopped his movements.

You saw Jungkook walking away after hitting the door. And to your surprise the door broke in that part of it. All eyes were on him including both you and Jimin.

"fuck!" You muttered.

"Jimin, I'm sorry I have to go. Thank you so much for the opportunity. I really appreciate that"

You nodded slightly to him, grab your belongings and quickly excuse yourself and follow the path that Jungkook made. Leaving a smirking Jimin behind.

"Jungkook..." you call him out but he ignores you and keeps on walking "Jungkook stop!" Still he ignored you

"For god sake... JEON JUNGKOOK!!!" You shouted.

He finally stopped his tracks and stood there not even turning his body to look at you. You stomped your feet and made your way to him.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?! Why did you break the door??? What was that for??" You questioned him as soon as you stood in front of him.

He scoffs at your question "don't act like you're stupid y/n. You know exactly what happened back there" he says sarcastically.

"What the fu— Nothing is happening back there! Please stop playing hide and seek with me! You've been acting like a child since you arrived here! What the hell is wrong with you?!!" You yell at him as you are tired and not wanting to play pull strings with him anymore.

"You let him fucking grind his fucking small dick on you! You let him touch you! You're my fucking wife! The whole world knows you're my wife! Yet you let him fucking do all that to you!!" His veins popping visible in front of you.

Your lips parted as you glare at him disbelief you scoff loudly before answering him "What the fuck is wrong with you?! Really? That's the reason you make such ruckus back there? Being a good wife I am, I asked for your permission when to be honest exactly I don't have to! Nevertheless I still did and you let me do it! With the fact that you..." you point a finger on his chest "—told me that you trust me! What we did back there was only for his music video! nothing more nothing less! You know that clearly! You saw everything! Stop being such a weirdo!!" You push him slightly.

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