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Part twenty

"So this is what you've been doing behind my back huh? Fuck around when I'm away?" He says with a very heartbreaking voice.

You tighten the grip on your cover and make your way towards him but your tracks are forcefully stopped when he yells at you to not come closer to him.

"STOP MAKING YOUR DIRTY STEPS TOWARDS ME!!!" you flinched and closed your eyes. Tears won't stop falling down your face. Your body hitched because of the hard sobbing.

"Jungkook please... you got it wrong... let me explain..." he just stood there and stared at your fragile figure with his deadly piercing eyes.

Once you saw him standing there in silence you started to explain everything to him with your cracked voice.

"I just went for a friendly dinner with Jimin at the cafe across the street... we just talked and that's it—"

"Then HOW THE FUCK YOU AND THAT PRICK ENDED UP ON OUR BED?!!" He took steps closer to you.

You gulp hard and look at him with your pleading eyes "I... I don't know..." you say slowly. He slid his hands on his hair biting his inner cheek.

"Tell me y/n... how did you end up with him... on the bed?" You shook your head and looked at him while biting your lower lip.

"I don't remember what happened..." you say slowly.

Suddenly he turned his body from looking at you and harsly pushed all the stuff on the makeup table down onto the floor.

You flinched and covered your ears as the sound of the glass shatters on the ground "STOP FUCKING LYING TO ME Y/N!" He rushed towards you and gripped your bare shoulder hard.

He shake your body hard "FUCKING TELL ME!!!" You whimper in pain as his nails were digging into your skin

"Jung-Jungkook... you-you're hurting m-me..." you stutter while covering your belly.

He stopped his doing abruptly and looked down to your hands that were on your belly. He let go of your shoulder and scoffed before saying something that shattered your heart to pieces.

"That child inside you... isn't mine isn't it?" The moment he said that you feel like your heart was stabbed with thousands of knives.

Your teary eyes met his "I bet that kid was his"  he looked away and shook his head, poking his tongue inside his cheek.

"No Jungkook!! I swear to god this baby is yours... it's ours. I never do anything with him. Please trust me... please" you grabbed his hands but only to be yanked away by him.

He looks at you in disbelief and disgust "get out of my house" he says blankly "What?..." you become speechless and your body stiffened.

"You heard me y/n. Take all your shit and get the fuck out of my house. I don't want to see your face anymore" he says loud and clear before storming out of the room and slamming the door shut behind him.

"Jungkook!" You sob in disbelief. Dropping down your weak unstable body on the floor.

"no... no... you got it wrong... I never cheated on you. please..." you cry your heart out while holding your chest.

"Jungkook..." tears keep falling down on your face mercilessly.

Time skip

You walked out of the room with one big luggage in your hand. You took heavy steps to the front door and stopped before going out of the house.

You look at Jungkook who was sitting on the couch looking at the blank tv.

"I'm sorry for everything that happened today... but please trust me... never in my life have I cheated on you... not in a million years... I was framed by Jimin—"

"cut the crap y/n. Just get the fuck out" he interrupted. Standing up from his seat and eyeing you from the corner of his eyes.

You look at his figure standing clearly in your view. You nodded slowly as tears beamed down on your cheek "I love you..." you muttered slowly and finally got the courage to walk out of the house.

You stood outside the front door and just listened to Jungkook's heartbreaking screaming and stuff was thrown so hard on the floor.

You wanted to go back inside. You want to hug him and calm him down but you know he wouldn't want to see you anymore.

I'm sorry Jungkook...

Time skip

Namjoon pov

"Come here" you say. Opening your arm widely after seeing the devastating figure of your best friend.

She immediately let herself fall in your embrace and hugged you tightly. Crying her heart out on your chest. You wrapped your arms around her, rubbing her back gently to make sure she feels protected.

"Shhh... I'm here princess... cry if that can calm you down" you say while patting and cupping her cheek gently. "Let's get you in the house first, okay?" She nodded and followed you inside.


"If Jimin were sleeping with you then who the hell called Jungkook and told him that something bad happened to you?" You rested your elbow on your legs and started to think.

Then suddenly something pops up in your mind and you take a good look at y/n who was zoning out while soullessly sitting on the couch.

You were about to say something but you immediately hold it when y/n suddenly cry "I miss him... I miss Jungkook...".

You shifted your seat next to her and pulled her closer to you and comforted her "Shhh that's okay... I'm here" you kiss the top of her head.

Don't worry princess... I will help you... I know who's the mastermind behind all of this...


A/N: short update 🫣

Look at Yoongi 😭🫶🏻

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Look at Yoongi 😭🫶🏻

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