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Part eight

Your pov

You get in the car and slammed the door shut "what the hell was that???" You asked Jungkook with your voice raised a little.

"What?" He questioned you with frowning brows "seriously Jungkook? what?" You hissed in frustration.

"Our wedding date was just fixed in a month by your dad! And you seriously ask me "what"? With that doe eyes of yours..." your voice kinda fades away when you say the last sentence.

Jungkook gives you his weird look "oh my god... what am I doing... nevertheless I do not agree" you cross your arms and look away.

Then you hear giggles coming out from him. You turned your head towards him "unbelievable" you say in disbelief.

"You are so cute y/n. Do you know tha—"

"no, I do not. Don't try to change the topic, Jungkook! This shit is not funny!" you cut him off and rolled your eyes.

He laughed at your cute reaction. Then he went silent. Slowly he grabs your hand and holds it with both of his hands.

"By the way girl, I just wanna say thank you for whatever you did back in my house when my dad was being a total jerk to you" you avert your gaze on him.

"I-it's fine Jungkook. We made an agreement and I just did my job. And you told me we need to make them believe us as a real couple right? Nothing much actually" you smiled.

"Why are you stuttering tho?" He chuckles. You didn't have anything in your mind to answer his question. He then caressed your cheek and your eyes met his.

"We'll meet your mother tomorrow, okay?" You look at him with wide eyes.

"really?" A smile plastered on your face.

He nodded as an answer to your question. You smile widely, not gonna lie you miss your mom so much. Your mom is the most caring and understanding woman on earth.

You can't hide your amusement and you didn't realize that you have given Jungkook a peck on the lips. You quickly fastened your seatbelt and looked forward.

Jungkook on the other hand was confused and shocked at your actions. He shook his head and smiled at your excitement.

Time skip <the next day>

"Are you sure your mom wasn't like my dad?" You look at him as soon as he asks you that question.

"Yes I am 100% sure. My mom is the coolest and easy going person on earth. Don't worry" you tapped on his thighs lightly.

You can see how tense he is by the way he gripped the steering wheel. He keeps on biting his inner cheek.

"Jeezzzz Jungkook, you look so tense. Chill" you giggles softly "easy for you to say y/n. I have never met someone's mom okay" he clears up.

Your laugh becomes louder. "Jungkook you are saying as if my mom is a monster who eats human meat" you blow some air out trying to control your laugh so that Jungkook isn't mad at you.

"Don't worry Jungkook. You'll be fine. I know you can do it" you smile at him.

Without warning he grabbed your hand and intertwined them with his and placed them on his thighs.

"don't ask me anything, I need some strength and that's what you're giving me," he explained.

You look at him with some sort of feelings. Confused, nervous, anxious, happy, joy, surprise, trust and somehow...


Then you avert your eyes outside the window. Smiling to yourself, with no reason why.

After you feel like a decade you finally arrive at your birth home. Jungkook parks his car and turns off the engine.

"Welcome to my simple home. Let's go" you welcome him. You knock on the door and wait for your mom.

"Coming..." the soft voice was heard from the inside. The door then unlocked and squeaked open.

"Y/n? My child?" Your mom greeted you.

"Hi Mom" you quickly embraced her "I miss you so much mom" you say "me too baby" your mom replied.

You let go of the hug and pull Jungkook towards you "Mom... this is Jungkook and babe... this is my beloved mom" you smile at your mom.

"Is he your..." your mom looks at him and then back to you "yes mom. My boyfriend" she smiled so wide before embracing him.

"Welcome to the family dear Jungkook" she says while still embracing him.

Jungkook darted his eyes at you. Slowly a smile appeared on his face. The tense that he is feeling just now turns to joy.

You watch as Jungkook and your mom talk a lot. You feel so relieved that he can get along so well with your mom.

Seeing the smile on your mom's face really warms your heart. You look at Jungkook as he laughs with your mom and it really makes you happy.

"Jungkook..." your mom suddenly called his name. He averted his gaze on her with his on your waist. While your hands on his thighs.

"Please promise me you will take good care of my lovely daughter. I trust you. I let my little girl go and follow you. So please promise me you will love her with all your heart and that you won't ever hurt her mentally, physically and emotionally. She has been suffering from so many things and I can only depend on you to make her happy for the rest of her life. I put my highest trust in you Jungkook. Please love her the same amount as I am" she says, a drop of tear falling on her cheek.

"I give you both my blessings. I wish you both a happy married life" she added, wiping her away.

Jungkook was taken aback for a moment before he let go of you. He makes his way and sits next to your mom.

He held her hands tightly "I promise you Mrs. Jee... I will take care of and protect her for my whole life. I promise you" he says with so much sincerity then he hugs your mom.

You walk to both of them and hug them too. To your surprise Jungkook's eyes were teary too. You were questioning the inside of you.

Why did he promise mom?

Was he serious?

He can't be serious... right?


A/N: hi babiessssss... an update after gazillions years of meditation in the cave 😗

 an update after gazillions years of meditation in the cave 😗

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I love his lips so much 😭

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