Twenty Five

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Part twenty five

Jungkook pov

"So, what's the plan Jungkookie?" Yoongi  instantly asked as soon as he took a seat on the couch next to Jungkook.

Jungkook didn't answer him yet he just sat there clenching his jaw with both of his elbows on his thighs while resting his chin on both of his thumbs.

"Hyung..." Jungkook averted his eyes on Yoongi. He raised his right eyebrow signaling what to Jungkook.

"You're good with computers, right?" Yoongi nodded at his question "why?" He asked.

"can you help—"

"find information about Jimin? Yes I can" he interrupts making Jungkook lost in words before he chuckles and nods.

"Yeah I need you to help me with that... and can you hire someone to check on him... I just..." Jungkook stopped talking and leaned his back on the couch.

"Just what Jungkook?"

"I just wanna know what he was up to" Yoongi scoffed, throwing the little black pillow at him.

"What he was up to... my ass!" He mimicked with a sarcastic tone "just say it Jungkook! It's about your wife. Stop acting tough. It's fine" Yoongi rolled his eyes.

Jungkook scratches on the back of his neck "about that... I met her... no! I accidentally met her just now" Jungkook let out a deep sigh.

"Oh really? How is she? But wait... accidentally met her?" Jungkook nodded

"how?" Yoongi question.

"I was out at the baby store to buy some stuff to complete my son's room  decorations. That's when I saw her. She just... she looks so gorgeous and glowing with her baby bump—"

"Why didn't you take her home?" Yoongi interrupts once again. Jungkook sighed hard.

"I've made a promise to myself. I will take her home after all these messes are settled. I just can't risk her precious life being here after what that butthole did" Jungkook replied with a very serious voice as if he was holding a huge grudge.

Yoongi nods slowly agreeing with Jungkook's explanation. After talking, bickering, and almost jumping into one another's body, Yoongi finally excused his exhausted self and bid goodbye.

Jimin pov

Jimin was chilling in his house watching a movie with one of his hooks up when he heard the doorbell ring. He looked over at the door.

"Did you order takeout?" He looks at the girl who is on his lap. She frowned and shook her head.

"No I didn't".

"Get up. Let me check who it is." She got up from his lap and Jimin made his way to the door.

He opens the door with his eyes wide open "what are you doing here?" Jimin asked with a very serious tone.

"you're not gonna let me in huh 'buddy'?" That guy grinned widely at Jimin while blowing his toxic smoke on Jimin's face.

Jimin furrowed his eyebrows and waved the smoke away from his face. He smirked at Jimin's gesture. He threw the still on fire cigarette to the ground and stomped on it.

Without even being welcomed he stepped inside the house. A devilish smirk appeared on his lips as he glanced over at the girl that was sitting on the couch.

"Oh now I know why you didn't invite me inside. you got a whole damn meal" he smirked while taking a seat next to her.

"Lana, you go home first. I'll call you later" Jimin stood in front of her and gave her her coat "you're not sending her home?" He asked Jimin.

"It's none of your business" he scoffed at Jimin's reply. Poking his tongue inside his cheek. He watched as Jimin walked the girl out.

Jimin plopped himself on the other empty couch, eyeing him from head to toe "I don't like that look buddy" he smirked at him, licking his lower lip.

"What else do you want from me?" Jimin clenched his jaw looking at him with the corner of his eyes.

"So you do know that y/n and Jungkook have been separated already right?" Jimin rolled his eyes "so what?" He asked not to be interested.

"I want you to kill their child..." his request was replied by jimin wide eyes with his jaw almost dropping to the ground.

"Are you fucking crazy?! That's murdering!" Jimin yells at him. Smirked and he couldn't be separated as he leaned towards the couch and crossed his legs.

But in a split second his face changed to an evilly dark and deadly serious "it wasn't a question Jimin-ssi. It's an order... from me"

Jimin got up from his seat and stormed over at him. Jimin grabbed the full fists of his collar and brought him closer to his face "I don't mother fucking care you bastard... I. Won't. Do. It. I will never hurt a child moreover to kill them"

"Well then say bye bye to your little useless company" Jimin let go of his shirt and ruffled his hair harshly.

"But she is YOUR mother fucking sister!!!"

He grinned devilishly...

"STEP sister... who turned up to be the one who ruins my life and makes my life like a living hell. Now, I'm just doing some of the favour by returning that back to her 😈"


A/N: currently manifesting Tony Montana Yoongi x Jimin

A/N: currently manifesting Tony Montana Yoongi x Jimin

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