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Part two

Y/n pov

You stand behind the counter resting your palms on each side of the table. Your head was hanging low.

Sighing deeply as the incident of what happened earlier keeps on playing in your mind.

"Urghhh!! Fuck!! This shit is stressing me out!" You throw the dirty towel away from you.

Flashback [earlier this morning]


"Jee y/n!!!"

You were cooking for your breakfast in the kitchen when you flinched hearing loud bangs on the door. You put aside the spatula and turn the stove off.

You peek through the peephole and you see the landlady standing at the front of your door with both of her arms on each side of her waist.

"Y/N!! Open the door I know you're inside! Don't make me crash the door! Y/n!" She yells like a lunatic.

"Oh shit shit shit!!" You whisper to yourself. You bit your lower lips as you try to find what excuses you should use this time.

You let out a deep breath and act like you're running to open the door "coming..." you unlock the door and open them slowly.

"Oh hi Mrs Lee, how are you? Wow look at you..." you bit your lips and brought your hands to your chin. Shook your head.

"You look so pretty today. Moreover with the bangs" you sweet talking to her, smiling the shit out of you like a dork.

'Oh my god that hair is so ugly. It suits you' you thought in your mind almost laughing the lungs out of you.

"I know..." the landlady replied. Making her way inside the house. Looking around with her eagle eyes.

You close the door behind you, following her steps. Your heart is beating fast because you know the reason she's here.

"Jee y/n..." she turned her body around as she looked at you with piercing eyes. "You definitely know why I'm here"

You looked down on the floor and nodded. She looks at you in the corner of her eyes "I need you to pay my rent now" You look at her biting your lower lips as she asks you that deadly question.

"I-... I don't have enough money now"

She comes near you "what??" You gulp as she makes her way to you "that is what you told me for the past 3 months y/n. I'm not taking that as an answer. I want my rent by tomorrow morning or else get out of my house!" She says with a stern voice.

"I really don't understand you. You work really hard everyday yet you still don't have enough money. Where did all your money go y/n?" She asked you. Her voice sounded softer this time.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Lee, I believe that is none of your concern. It's just too personal for me to share with you" you say politely.

She gives you her annoying look "then suit yourself" as she walks towards the front door. She held the door knobs and glanced at you.

"I want my rent by tomorrow morning or you know what to do" She smirked before slamming the door shut.

You lean on the wall, looking down on the floor. Letting out a real deep sigh. People don't know how much you are struggling. Trying to get money and pay the debt that was caused by your stupid gambler's brother and to send some home for your mother.

Present time

You felt a light tap on your shoulder, interrupting your miserable thoughts. You turned your head towards the person.

Your vision's dark, only to be lightened by the crystal led disco light. You scanned his face before a smile appeared on your lips.

"Hey Namjoon..." you hug him tightly. He is like a brother to you. Working as the only girl bartender is really risky. Lucky for you to have Namjoon around to help you whenever there's a problematic person approaching you.

The best part is they aren't talking with their mouth, instead they talk with their hands.

You lean on his ear "you are late today Joonie" you playfully roll your eyes at him, moving away from him.

He laughs at you and pulls you towards him "you know... I have some matters that need to be settled," he bit his lower lip and winked at you.

"Oh my god! you're so disgusting" making him laugh louder even though the music was loud enough.

"Okay... back to work playboy" you say tapping his chest a few times. You both go back to work.


You're cleaning the glass when someone sits in front of you "Can I have the strongest please" he says as he rests his hands on the counter and drops his head down.

You scanned him for a moment, smirking  while looking at him. You didn't question him further, instead you prepared him, your signature strong drink.

"Here you go trouble" you place the glass in front of him. "Thank you" he says. His right hand wrapped around the glass and took them all in one shot.

You stood there watching him taking your drink in one gulp. He then placed the glass back on its position.

"Feeling better?" You ask him, lean down resting your elbows on the counter. He shot his gaze to you. To be honest to your exposed cleavage.

"My eyes are up here trouble" you laugh lifting his face using your index finger by his chin up to meet yours.

Your eyes become huge. He looks so ethereal and angelic. His face is breathtakingly gorgeous. Both of you stay in that position for a while before you clear your throat.

Stranger's pov

You look up to her and the first thing you notice is her dimples rather than the sexy plump heart shaped lips.

Her cute nose, her sparkling beautiful hazel eyes. Her facial structure matches with her long wavy brown hair added with fringe.

She is Beautiful.

Your thoughts were interrupted by her clearing throat "seems like you are having a hard day" she says tilting her head to the side as if she's checking you out.

"bad things happen today and I'm so fucked up" you smile a little, playing with the glass while your eyes on her.

You need someone to talk to. You need to get the problem out of your mind. You need to be accompanied.

Stranger : can you accompany me tonight?


A/N: Bam enthusiasm! ✊🏻

A/N: Bam enthusiasm! ✊🏻

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