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Part four

Y/n pov

You push the covers up, preventing the sunlight from hitting your face, disturbing your beauty sleep.

Why do my covers and bed smell different?

You thought to yourself. You sniff on the covers. Then you open your eyes, holding your head "argh! my head" you groan, massaging your temples.

You pull the covers down slowly. Examine your surroundings. You look to your side and it was empty.

You look on the floor and see how your clothes scatter around the room. You let out a deep sigh "another one night stand" you say slowly.

Then something popped up in your mind. Making your eyes grow wide and your body quickly sit up straight.

"Fuck! Mrs. Lee!" You get off the bed and wear all your clothes not minding about how stinky and dirty you are nor to clean up.

You twist the doorknob and rush towards the front door only to be greeted by a shirtless Jungkook.

"Good afternoon pretty girl" He says as he leans on the kitchen counter looking at you while taking a sip of his hot drink.

"After what???" You say slightly raising your voice, eyes widen "slow down there cowgirl. What's with the rush?" He turns around grabbing another mug from the cabinet and pouring the same hot drink inside it.

You just stood there in disbelief and mad. You look down on the floor feeling so much regret at yourself.

He walks near you and grabs your wrist "come..." he says slowly. You sit on the couch with such a blank stare on the floor.

"Drink this... it helps me sober from the tipsiness. I think this can help you too" he handed over the mug to you.

"I'm a bartender, I know how to gather my soberness" you say coldly, refusing the drinks. You open your bag and take out a pack of cigarettes.

You took one out and placed it on your lips and lit it up. You throw the rest inside your bag and start to suck in the toxic smoke. Ignoring his serious gaze on you.

You can hear the sound of the mugs placed on the glass table in front of you. "I didn't know you smoke y/n" he says leaning on the couch.

"You know nothing about me Jungkook." you replied, giving him a side eye before sucking in the smoke and slowly blowing it out.

"What's wrong?" You shot your gaze on him. His facial expression shows nothing but you can see in his eyes that he is concerned with you a bit. Feeling hesitant if you should tell him about your problem or just ignore him and go. "I don't know..." you let out a deep sigh. He placed the ashtray in front of you. You look at him.

Your right eyebrow raised seeing the boob ashtray "I thought you didn't smoke?" You question him. "I didn't, my friends are" he says, sipping on his drink.

"Oh" you remove the ash in its place. Sucking in and letting it out. You repeat again and again.  "You look like you're having a rough night. Well basically that's the truth. You can't deny me. We are having a blast! But something is bothering you... I guess?" he voices out, making you look at him. "Do you somehow... want to share it with me?" He turns his body towards you as if he is ready to give you his ears.

You inhale the cigarette for the last time before putting it out in the ashtray. You let out a deep sigh.

"I was supposed to be home by morning" "and why is that?" He asked. As if he is impatient to know your situation.

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