Twenty Three

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Part twenty three

Your pov

Today marks the fifth month of your pregnancy. Which means you have been three months apart from Jungkook. You miss him dearly.

You've been crying the whole time you guys separated. You've been doing everything alone and you are all alone.

Namjoon was there for you everytime and everywhere but... it wasn't the same as your beloved one.

The pain that you've been keeping inside you is slowly killing you. Every night you will stand by the window looking up at the dark sorrowful sky hoping to see a shooting star so you can make a wish.

A wish of being back happily together with Jungkook. Just like the good old days. Leaning your side on the wall while you stroke your growing belly slowly.

You didn't realize a drop of tears trailed down your cheek. Your heart tightened at the thought of Jungkook still being mad at you. You miss him too much.

"I miss you Jungkook..." you look down on the floor with your shoulder starting to hitch when you're sobbing harder "Me and our child miss you so much babe..." You look back up to the sky before slowly muttering.

"I Will Always Love You Jungkook... always..."

A faint knock was heard by the door. You darted your eyes at the door. You quickly wipe away the tears before making your way to the door.

You open the door slowly just to be greeted by a pair of beautiful dimples, smiles Namjoon.

"The food is ready" he was about to walk away when you say that you're not that hungry. He stops his tracks and turns to look at you with a frown.

"You might not be hungry but the miracle inside you needs food to keep growing. Stop being selfish and let's eat" he let the door open and walk away.

You closed your eyes admitting what he says to you just now "I'm sorry if I keep hurting you, blessed. I'm so sorry" you wash your face and make your way out.

The dinner was ultimately silent. No one ever speaks up until Namjoon suddenly utters some words "don't forget about your check up tomorrow" he says breaking up the silence.

You didn't reply with words but just by nodding off your head. "Tomorrow is the ultrasound for gender right?" Again you nodded "I'll come with you tomorrow," he muttered.

"Okay..." You say and smile at him. He fixed his eyes on you before letting out a heavy sigh and put down his cutlery "that's enough y/n..." you avert your eyes from the food to him.

"What?..." you asked slowly, not having the mood to have a fight with him anymore. Yes, he is very concerned with you but sometimes he becomes so annoying.

Gosh y/n... can't you be grateful to have him with you all this while...

"Sorry Namjoon, what was that again?" He let out a deep sigh again. "Please y/n... for the sake of the innocent baby... please eat" he says as if he was pleading.

You keep quiet and play with the food in front of you "you miss Jungkook didn't you?" He asked you with a very soft voice making you face up and look at him straight away.

He looks at you with an apologetic face. "I wish I could turn back time Namjoon... I wish I didn't accept Jimin's offer. Things wou-wouldn't be this wa-way if I'm more careful" your voice starts to crack.

Namjoon sucks in his lip, the feelings of guilt immediately rushing in his chest for asking you that question. He got up from his seat and walked over to you.

He crouches down beside you and holds your hands tightly "we will settle this matter together okay? Whatever it takes I'll promise you, you will be back to Jungkook... trust me" you gaze fixated on him.

A small smile appears on your lips making Namjoon smile as well "now I want you to eat and then rest. We have things to do tomorrow" he patted on the back of my hand.

The next day

"Are you ready Ms. Y/n?" The doctor asked with a soft smile on her lips as she was wearing the white rubber gloves.

You just nodded even though you were feeling so overwhelmed inside you. Namjoon holds your and bends down to your left ear.

"I'm excited for my godbaby. I even bought cute brown shoes for the baby" he muttered. A soft chuckle leaving your lips.

"Can we start now?" The doctor interrupts "yeah" and both of you reply simultaneously.

A few minutes later, "okay so here it is... and can you guys guess it?" She looked at you and Namjoon but both of you were confused and puzzled.

She chuckled at the sight of that. "Okay so... this is the little gun right here..." she pointed the arrow at the spot "gun? So it's a boy?" Namjoon question.

"Yes... it's a boy. Congratulations" she places back the scanner and prints out the picture before handing it over to you. A smile and tears welled up your face.

"It's a boy Namjoon... Jungkook always wanted a boy... he even had the name already..." you say after you both were seated in the car.

He looks at you with a sad smile plastered on his face "everything will be fine okay?" He says soothingly.

"Would you mind if we go to the mall? I want to buy something for the baby" you say slowly. He nodded instantly and turned his wheel to the mall direction.


"Oh god y/n! This is so... cute!! I'm buying this!" Namjoon fills the cart with so much boy stuff. Your eyes widened and lips slightly parted.

"Gosh Namjoon this is too much. Why are you even buying this batman costume? This is wasting" You shook your head looking at him in disbelief.

"Stop it y/n. This is not for you. This is for my godson" he rolled his eyes and pushed the cart away from you. You raised your eyebrows on him.

You look around the place when suddenly your eyes meet a spot of a person. A very familiar one. Your heart is pounding so hard.



A/N: I'm late. I'm sorry 😢

 I'm sorry 😢

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