Twenty Four

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Part twenty four

Jungkook pov

"Jungkook...." The soothing yet very familiar voice was heard not that far from him. Feeling shivers down the spine.

He was holding a onesies... a cute baby onesies at the moment.

He placed back the cute baby's clothes back on its rack before slowly turning his head towards the sound.

He gulped slowly at the sight of the person he didn't want to see for a moment not because he hates her but because he was embarrassed of himself.

"Jungkook..." She pronounces his name once again but this time the tone is uneven. There's a slight crack on it.

He didn't reply to her, he didn't respond back to her. He was silent as his jaw pressed together.

He stood there with his heart clenched at the sight of the love of his life making small steps towards him with her hands on her mouth as her eyes sparkled through the galaxy with tears.

He quickly looked away and stormed out of the shop. Ignoring her voice calling him repeatedly. He loves her. He does... a lot. He just can't face her right now.

Your pov

You feel like your breathing stops the moment you see him standing there back facing you while his hands are holding something.

The moment your eyes landed on that person you immediately recognized that it was him... your beloved husband.


You mumble slowly but loud enough for him to hear you. He placed down the things and turned his body towards you.

Your eyes filled with tears as soon as you saw him standing there in front of you.

You scanned his figure as he was wearing black cap, black plus size long sleeve shirt and grey sweatpants.


You say again. Slowly taking steps towards him with your hands on your lips as your lips were quivering.

The look that he gave you was indescribable. You see guilt, love and somehow ashamed in his dark brown orbs.

Slowly he looked away from your gaze and stormed out of the store "No. No! Jungkook!" You say a little louder. You followed his tracks not minding about how people's eyes were on you.

Despite being pregnant, you keep on jogging towards his direction even though you aren't supposed to because in your mind, you just want him and only him.

You keep your right palm on your lower tummy while chasing for the man you longing to see for the past three months.

Once you saw he went out of the entrance you yelled out his name with your left hand balled into fists.


You stood still in front of the entrance door while Jungkook stopped his tracks just a few feet away from you.

Tears streaming down your face as you make your way to him. You stand in front of him and look at his face. He didn't even have his eyes on you. He was looking elsewhere.

It was a brief moment of silence for both of you until you decided to break it "Jung-Jungkook?... babe?..." you stutter.

He didn't answer you nor fixed his eyes on you "did you... really... ha-hated me that much babe?" You speak slowly.

His eyes instantly landed on your fragile figure. There's so much pain that can be seen from deep down in it. The same as how you're dealing now.

His eyes trailed down on your face before it stopped at your now noticeable baby bump. The body hugging white tee you are wearing shows how much your baby bump is growing right now.

Your hand made its way to his cheek. Caressing his pale baby skin, full of love. You missed how his soft skin felt when it linked up to your touch.

"I miss you..." you say with a trembling voice "I can't hold it anymore..." your sobs are getting harder.

"I miss y-..." Your words were cut off by Jungkook when his lips were connected to you.

By placing your hands on his chest, pulling him closer you deepened the kiss. Tasting the saltiness of both of your tears.

After a moment he pulled away, resting his forehead on yours. You didn't even realize when both of his hands were on your belly. Carefully caressing it.

"Please take me home with you..." you begged him. He shook his head "I can't..." he said "not now... not before I settled everything... I'm sorry" he muttered before slowly taking steps backwards.

"No Jungkook! please... don't leave me again!!" You shouted. He gives you one last smile before he walks away, leaving you again broken-heartedly.

"Y/n! Thank god you're here. I thought I lost y— hey what's wrong?..." Namjoon quickly approached you and embraced you as soon as he saw the state that you're in at the moment.

"He left me..." you whisper sadly.

"who?" He asked.

"Jungkook..." you cry your heart out on his chest. Namjoon looked around hoping to see him but Jungkook was nowhere to be found.

Jungkook pov

He turned off the engine and rested his head on the headrest. A painful smile appears on his lips when he remembers how his hands trailed down her belly.

He got out of the car and walked inside the house. He tossed the car keys on the kitchen counter and walked the hallway.

His hand twisted the doorknob and walked inside the room. He was supposed to buy something to complete his decorations. He smiled to himself seeing the room he decorated for his son while touching the baby cot.

How did he know?

Namjoon always updates him about his wife from time to time. Giving him tons of pictures of her.

Then he breaks down in tears "I'm sorry baby... I'm sorry" he slid down beside the baby cot and cried like crazy. He then took out his phone and dialled a number.

When the other person on the line picks up the call with full determination he says...

"Yoongi hyung, I need your help."


A/N: double update to make for my long absence 🫶🏻

A/N: double update to make for my long absence 🫶🏻

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