Twenty Eight

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Part twenty eight

Taehyung pov

"Don't you miss me baby sister?" Taehyung smirked and as he took his steps closer towards her. "No hugs for your lovely brother huh?" He stopped after seeing her back touch the wall behind her.

"Wha-what are you doing here Tae?"

"Awww look at you... you're still calling me Tae... isn't that adorable?..." he was smiling sarcastically but then...

Taehyung grabbed her arms, harshly pulling her towards him. Making her hissing in pain.


"Listen here bitch and bare this in your mind" his grip tighter. His jaw clenched.

"I have never stopped reminding myself of what you had done to me. You killed my father. You destroyed my life. You make me suffer for years and now I'm back... I'm back to return the favour to you..."

"Taehyung please... I'm pregnant... you are hurting me" she tried to plead with him but she was nowhere near the success. He laughed at her painful eyes.

"What do you think I'm gonna care about? Haha! Fucking no! I don't!" He shook his head before again his facial expression changed.

"Tae... why are you doing this to me?" she whispers slowly as tears stream down her cheek "why are you hurting me?" She added.

The look Taehyung was giving to y/n was unreadable. But what was obviously shown is his eagerness to return the favour to y/n.

"You've got to be kidding me..." he flicked his tongue inside his cheek. As annoyance was plastered on his face.

"Stop acting like you're a fucking goddes y/n because you aren't. You make my life like a living hell—"

"Have you ever thought in your little ass mind what's the cause of all this?! Have you ever reflected back to yourself of what your acts have done towards you?! To me?! To our family?! To us back then?!!" She screamed her lungs out before she burst into tears.

"You caused me all of this. You are the reason of me being bullied once you were gone from our school. You are the cause of me being the one to blame for the mistakes that you do. You cause me humiliation. You caused me to move away from the place that I was born from. You make all the people look at me in disgust. You are the one who did the fucking shit yet I was the one to be blamed!! I was the one who they were talking shit about. I was the one who received all the hatred! Not just because of what happened but also they blame me for my appearance. They said that was the cause of the shit that you did when the real problem was you! This is all because of you! Thi-This is all be-because of you..." she hit Taehyung's chest slowly as he looked at her in silence.

"I love you Taehyung... I always do... I love you not more than a brother you are to me. All I ever did was respect you and treated you like how a sister should treat her brother... you know what Taehyung... you are the brother I always dream of" she wipes her tears.

"You once make me feel safe whenever you are with me... you make me feel how family really is... but you ruined everything... you throw away my trust in you. You never really care nor appreciate the littlest things that I have done for you. All you ever cared about was your nonsense feelings! You forced me to love you... you flirt with me... you fucking harassed— me... when you fucking knew that I was fucking not interested in you!!! You are my fucking brother!!! The one I looked up to when I was in need!" She cries harder making her face swollen and reddened.

"And then you blamed me for everything you did. You were expelled for your own mistake! Dad had a heart attack because of you! Yet you put all the guilt on me... why Taehyung?... why?... What did I do wrong to you? WHAT DID I EVER DO WRONG WITH YOU?!"

Everything went silent. Taehyung went silent for a moment. He glued his eyes on her. If looks can kill that look he gave her can definitely kill her slowly.

"Are you done talking?" Her eyes scanned him as he said that. "Do you really hate me that much?" She questioned.

"In the matter of fact, yes I do" he said blatantly. "What do you want me to do for you to forgive me?" Her eyes glistened with tears.

Before he could say even a word he was pulled back down on the floor harshly "No!! Taehyung!!" She screamed.

Your pov

You scream as you see Taehyung was suddenly pulled away. You look at the person who was hovering above him with his fists in the air getting ready to get in contact with Taehyung's face.

"Jungkook baby.... no! Let him go! don't hurt my brother... please ...." You hold his arm. Jungkook looked at you with a confused expression on his face.

"Please let him go..." his eyes softened as he saw your teary eyes. He fixed his eyes back at Taehyung.

"one more time... if I see you coming near my wife one more time... I'll finish you right there and then" he clenched his jaw and let go of Taehyung.

He got up from him and went over to you and embraced you. You hug him back tightly as you've been missing his scent so badly.

Taehyung stood up and looked at you with a smirk appearing on his lips. "This ain't over lil sis..."

"just fucking go before i call the police!!!" Jungkook screamed.

He poked his tongue inside his cheek and nodded his head "I'll be back..." as he was about to walk out the door. He was stopped by Namjoon.

"Don't you dare to show me your face ever again or else you're asking for death wish... Taehyungie" Namjoon smirk before he moves to the side letting him a way out.

Taehyung tilted his head and said "We'll see about that" he smiled sarcastically and made his way out.

Yoongi, who was standing beside Namjoon, observes him feeling uneasy about that guy who he just met today.

"We need to be careful with him..." Yoongi whispers to Namjoon and makes his way inside, taking out his phone and calling for an ambulance while checking on jimin.

He then glanced up at you "you need to move back with Jungkook... you are safer there... Do you understand me?" You nodded without further question.

He then continued "You both need to be careful... I can feel something bad is coming to you guys... my thoughts are never wrong"


A/N: I am soooooo excited for their comeback. I can't wait to hear their new song.


Never know a single word can give me goosebumps tho 🫦

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