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Part nineteen

"Oh god baby... what are you doing? Can't you just rest?" Jungkook suddenly appears out of nowhere taking the bowl full of spaghetti away from you.

"What? I can't cook now?" You rolled your eyes as you watched Jungkook with his work attire motion you to sit down at the kitchen counter.

Jungkook shook his head "nope... I told you, you're not allowed to do anything and rest. I don't want anything bad to happen to you or mini us over here" he rubs your belly with a big grin plastered on his face.

"What should I do then? I'm bored Jungkook..." you whine with pouts "you can just chill and watch movies" you rolled your eyes once again.

"Gosh that is so boring..." you say as you watch him take off the apron and serve you the spaghetti carbonara he cooked for you.

Your eyes sparkle seeing the food that was in front of you. You look over at Jungkook who was sitting opposite you while resting his chin on palm.

"You're not eating?" He shook his head "why?" You questioned again "I'm not hungry" you furrowed your eyebrow "and why again?"

"Because looking at your face makes me full already" you give him your 'really?' face while Jungkook laughing his ass off seeing your reaction.

But then you notice how he stopped laughing and look at you as if he is having so many thoughts in his mind.

"Hey... is everything okay?" You look at him with concerns "yeah I'm fine. Just that..." you tilt your head.

"What's wrong babe?" You stop eating and put aside the cutlery. He let out a deep sigh.

"I may need to leave you for five days because dad sent me away to replace him for his business meeting" he stopped talking.

"Then why? It wasn't like you have never left me for your important business purposes right?" You continue munching on your food.

"That was before I found out that you're pregnant, baby... I can't leave my pregnant wife alone" he grumbled while furrowing his eyebrows.

"Jungkook babe... I'll be fine. Don't worry too much please. I can take care of myself, okay?" You say trying to convince him that you're totally fine.

"I know you can take care of yourself but you're my responsibility baby... I can't forgive myself if anything bad happens to you" you hold his hand.

"Jungkook, trust me... nothing will happen to me and our baby, okay? I promise you..." you smile genuinely at him. He let out a real deep sigh before nodding his head.

"Are you sure baby?" You look at him in the eye and nodded "I am 💯 babe" he bit his inner cheek and nodded slowly.

"if you say so"

Three days later

Since Jungkook went to business trip

You were relaxing at your house while watching the movie when your phone suddenly beeps and a notification pops up on the screen.

You frown after seeing the ID of the messenger "Jimin?..." you unlock the phone and read the message.

Jimin: hi y/n... how are you?

You: Jimin? Hi... I'm good. Why are you texting me?

Jimin: nothing... I'm just wondering if you want to meet and have a drink with me? It's just a friendly meet up.

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