Twenty Two

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Part twenty two

Two months later

Since the day that shit happened in Jungkook's life, he has never been the same person anymore.

Usually he will greet all his staff with his cute bunny smile and buy them food and all. He was always known as the cool CEO.

Now, he is known as the heartless CEO.



His favourite words nowadays.

All he does is yelling at his staff, throwing documents even though there's just a tiny mistake and firing people whenever he feels like something was not right.

He is in so much mess. He lost weight. His face became slimmer but is still maintaining his figure. His skin becomes pale. His hair grew long and untidy. The little shining stars in his eyes changed into darkness and deadly orbs.

He is currently in his studio, trying to get some inspiration to produce music but he gained nothing.


you used to be his inspiration but now, not anymore.

He feels like a complete wreck. He feels lost deep down inside him. He feels like a complete failure.

He is dying inside because of how much he misses you.

How much he needs you.

But sadly, there's one big part of his heart growing up with so much hatred towards you.

That apologetic look you gave him that day is still visibly plastered on his mind. Your voice when you try to tell him that you love him still clearly lingers in his ears. The way you begged him. The way you cry at him. He can't forget every bit of the hurtful memories.

"Fuck you y/n!! FUCK YOU!!" He smashed the keyboard on the table, breaking it in half and throwing it on the floor.

"ARGH!!!" He ruffled his hair harshly. Tears were streaming down on his cheek with no mercy. He sat himself down on the floor, leaning his back on the wall.

He rested his head on the wall with his right hand on his knee. His hard sobs slowly turned to a faint one.

He closed his eyes, making his tears drenched his black top even more. "Why baby... why..." he muttered slowly yet sadly.

The door suddenly squeaked open. Jungkook glanced at the door revealing Yoongi with his worried face before looking back down on the floor.

Yoongi looked around the studio with things cluttered on the floor until his eyes spotted Jungkook sitting down at the corner of the room looking like a mess.

He let out a deep sigh, feeling sorry for his younger friend who he has been considered as his little brother.

"Go away hyung..."

Yoongi didn't bother with what he said. He closed the door and stepped in the studio. Picking up the papers that were all over the floor.

"Hyung fucking stop with what you're doing and go away!" He shouted. Yoongi stopped what he was doing and glued his eyes on him.

"Why are you like this Jungkookie?..." He placed the papers on his table. He makes his way to Jungkook and takes a place next to him.

"Please hyung... ju-just go..." he voice slowly.

"I'm not leaving you for the hundredth time now. I mean look at you Jungkook..." he stopped for a while.

"Why are you doing this to yourself? Why are you torturing yourself?" He says. Jungkook shook his head and rubbed his face slowly.

"It hurts me a lot, hyung. You can never understand the pain I'm suffering with what she did to me... you won't understand..." he whispered with his cracked voice.

"You don't know how bad she did towards me... I caught her with Jimin... on our bed hyung... fuck! It hurts me a lot" he said slowly. Yoongi can hear sorrow and pain from the way he is telling him.

"Are you sure they really hooked up with each other?" He questioned him. Jungkook scoffed in an instant. "I saw them with my two eyes hyung" he went down onto the floor.

"What did you see when you caught them that day?" Jungkook harshly ruffles his hair and lets out a huge amount of air.

"I don't want to talk about it" he tries to get up but Yoongi quickly holds him making him sit back on the floor.

"Talk. To. Me. Jeon. Jungkook" Yoongi said sternly. Yoongi knows how Jungkook is scared of him whenever he becomes serious.

"I see both of them in my room but y/n was standing on the floor with a cover wrapped around her body while that bastard was on the bed but with his boxers on" Jungkook explained.

Yoongi nodded his head "what was their reaction at the moment?" He questioned again.

"The moment I was standing there, Jimin, he was smirking at me."

"How about y/n?" Jungkook turned his head on Yoongi before looking down on his lap.

"She was a crying mess... like so badly and she kinda looks scared too" he exclaimed.

"She's innocent." Yoongi responded.

"What do you mean?" Jungkook wipes his tears with his sleeve.

"Jimin did that to her"

"Jimin did what?" He asked again and sounding stupid this time. Yoongi chuckled in sarcasm.

"Really jungkook? Can't you see it? She was framed. Jimin framed her" Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows at the words that came out of Yoongi.

Yoongi got up from his seat and walked towards the door. He holds the doorknob and looks back at Jungkook who was sitting there dumbfounded.

"If I were you I would hire someone to check on Jimin rather than blaming my wife before knowing the real story..." he was about to go out when he stopped his tracks.

"Oh sorry. I forgot to mention that. Not just my wife but MY PREGNANT WIFE. I hope you can reflect on what you did Jungkook. Be mature. Call me if you need anything" with that he walked out of the studio and closed the door.

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