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Part seven

Your pov

After introducing yourself to Mr. Jeon, the four of you sit on the sofa. You sit next to Jungkook.

He placed his right hand on your thighs. Slightly caressing it. He leans towards your ears and whispers "don't be so tense. Relax, okay?".

You look at him and acknowledge how sincere his smile is to you.

To be honest, you feel calm and the tense feeling that you had just now slowly disappears.

You smiled at him, squeezing his hands slightly and. mouthed thank you. "So y/n? Am I correct?" Jungkook's dad suddenly voices out.

Both of you fixed your eyes on him. "Yes Mr. Jeon, that is my name." You nodded and smiled at him.

"So what are you working as?"

"Honey, don't you think it's a bit odd and early to ask our guests about that?" Mrs. Jeon interrupts.

He looked at his wife "what do you mean it's odd? I need to know details about my son's girlfriend" he snaps at her.

You can see how his mother's facial expressions change drastically. You feel sorry for her. Then you decide to talk.

"It's okay Mrs. Jeon" you smile at her before changing your gaze to Mr. Jeon "I'm a model Mr. Jeon" you say as you intertwine your fingers with Jungkook, for some strength you need.

Jungkook holds your hand firmly as if he is telling you that he'll be there for you. "What agency?" He asked. Your mouth suddenly becomes dry.

Oh crap! I forgot to ask Jungkook about that. Oh no! Come on y/n... think!

"She's working at Runway and Modelling Dreams agency, the one I've been corporate with" Jungkook becomes a hero and saves your day.

"Oh really?" His dad looks at you suspiciously "why have I never seen her before?" He questioned.

"Do you really have to be 'that' suspicious to my girlfriend... dad?" You tapped on his hand, gesturing to him to calm down.

"I'm just asking Jungkook. Why do you have to be so prejudiced and protective?" He spats at Jungkook.

"Don't you think you're the one who is being prejudiced right now?" You look at his dad, who's switching gaze between you and Jungkook. You look at Jungkook and see him clenching his jaw.

Shit! This is not how things are supposed to be.

"And to answer that poor question. Of course I am. She's my fucking girlfriend and I have all the universe to protect her" your eyes widened after listening to his words.

Your heart is slightly shaking but you quickly shrug off your thoughts "babe..." Jungkook darts his eyes into you.

"Don't be rude. It's okay Mr. Jeon has every right to be suspicious of me" your thumb caresses the back of his hand.

His fiery eyes softened at your absolute calm presence. He smiles at you before gazing back at his dad.

You were about to answer him when the maid approached all of you "Mr. and Mrs. Jeon the food is ready" she then bows to them and excuses herself.

"Okay kids, the food is ready" Mrs. Jeon says, smiling at you. You know she's trying to lighten up the whole tense room.

"Let's go baby" Jungkook wrapped his arm around your waist. You smile at him and both of you make your way to the dining table.

The dinner was silent, all you can hear is the sound of the cutlery clicking on the plates.

"So y/n..." you look up to the owner of the voice "yes Mr. Jeon?" You give him your sincere smile.

"Why are you with Jungkook?"

"I'm sorry—"

"What the hell is wrong with you dad??" Jungkook suddenly raises his voice after listening to his dad's unbelievable question.

"Jungkook no..." you hold his arm. His red eyes fixed at you. You can see how mad he is.

"My dad is being rude to you baby! While you're eating!" You cupped his cheek.

"It's okay babe... it's okay" you try to soothe him.

You look at Mrs. Jeon, her eyes are telling you how sorry she is. You smile at her signaling to her that you're fine.

Then your eyes darted at Mr. Jeon whose eyes were on you since the beginning.

"I'm sorry Mr. Jeon, what was your question just now?" You asked.

"Why are you with my son? What is your intention with my son? Was it because of money? Fame?" Not gonna lie, his straightforward question kinda hurts you.

Jungkook's grip on your hands tighter as he heard how his dad bombs you with such ridiculous questions. He feels so guilty for getting you in his problem.

You purse your lips and smile sarcastically. You place the napkin on the table and clears your throat.

"Well Mr. Jeon, what a question. If I really wanted aaalllll of that, I wouldn't go to him. I prefer you Mr. Jeon. Why should I trouble myself with someone who is financially unstable, who chooses work over himself and so stubborn" you straighten your body.

"If I am that kind of woman I would choose you and ruin your marriage to get what I want... but I wasn't" you bite your lower lips as you feel hurt and mad.

"Me, Jee y/n loves your son with every bit of my heart. I love him because he was there for me from the very beginning of my career. I love him because he taught me what happiness is" you turned your head towards Jungkook and let out a shaky breath. Shaky as in mad.

"I love him because he showed me what love really is. I love him because of him..." you let out a little chuckle.

"But if you don't want me to be with your son, I am glad to leave him because I don't want him to be a disobedient child..." you and his dad glared at each other with so much seriousness.

"Baby what are you talking about?..." Jungkook turns your face towards him. He caresses your cheek. You don't know why but his doings felt so real.

"I like her..." the both of you quickly switch your gaze on him. Looking at him with furrowed eyebrows, lips parted.

"What?" Jungkook asked.

"She's a keeper. I like her. Okay. The wedding will be in a month! It's fixed! What a day!" He says throwing his hands to the air before making his way upstairs, clapping his hands and laughing in victory.

You and Jungkook: "WHAT?????!!!"


A/N: i wish I can finish ONE MORE CHANCE TO HOLD YOU. I really appreciate your kind word.

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