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In which

You take the city kids

on your family camping trip


You step outside into the cool mountain air and breathe a sigh of relief

"Ah, what could be better than that?" you say happily

"maybe you know...watching twilight with pizza being delivered TO your doorstep. Imagine not living where everything is cooked over a fire" Olivia groans as she climbs out of the car

"You for real right now?" you ask but Olivia shakes her head and laughs

"anything that makes you happy, makes me happy" she reassures you

"AWWw okay enough with the lovey-dovey, I came here to cleanse my spirit with the healing power of nature, not to puke from having to watch people fuck in the tent" Conan groans as he too breathes the smell of pine trees and river 

"Okay, one, we're going to be around kids, so turn on a filter, second, we're not going to fuck in the tent" You joke but Iris eyes you with an unbelieving look

"uh huh. Right, So like remember that time where we went on a 'friends retreat' and yet Conan and I had to hear you both moaning all damn night through the thin motel walls?" iris even uses air-quotes to get her point across 

"SWEAR WORDS!" you exclaim as you cover your ears

"Okay baby but they have a point" Olivia jokes with a grin

"fine. I swear I won't even make out with MY GIRLFRIEND even once on this trip. Or I'll pack up everyone stuff when we leave" You stick your hand out and Conan shakes it eagerly

"Now this is what I came for." 

You made a point to leave earlier than anyone else so that you could get the best spot for your tent, and because you'd suspected your group would need to make a few stops on the way to the campsite, which turned out to be a good idea because sure enough, you'd made stops at Chipotle and Target on your way getting out of the city.

Unpacking does not prove to be an easy task. Who would've thought that a bunch of eighteen-year-olds who are used to having four people do their makeup in the morning wouldn't know how to put up a tent?

Didn't cross your mind...until now. 

"OKAY YOU GUYS ARE KILLING ME!" you exclaim, exasperated at the confusion all of your friends "Seriously, we've been here for an hour, the rest of our camp group will be here any minute, and what do we have to show for it? Conan's chipped a nail, Olivia only brought combat boots, I can't find the bug spray so on top of it all we're getting eaten alive, and I would say we should just go in the tent EXCEPT WE HAVEN'T MANAGED TO SORT OUT WHICH POLE GOES INTO WHICH CORNER OF THE FUCKING TENT" You exclaim as you rest against the side of your car

"Oop! Y/n, we don't wanna do that...swear words." Conan jokes but it only angers you more 

"Hey hey, it's gonna be okay. We're all just as frustrated as you. Tell me what you need me to do baby" Olivia says as she comes over and pulls you against you. She starts to pull your chin towards her like she wants to kiss you, but you get interrupted when Iris coughs

"Y/n do you really want to lose that bet with Conan one hour into a five-day camping trip?" Iris asks and Conan swats her 

"SHIT Iris I wanted to taunt them with losing one hour in!" he groans and you laugh

"that's right, we can't. augh" You say as you turn to hug your girlfriend instead

"Fuck you, Conan. fuck you" Olivia grins 

𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗺𝗼𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗶 𝗸𝗻𝗲𝘄 ★ 𝗼𝗹𝗶𝘃𝗶𝗮 𝗿𝗼𝗱𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗼Where stories live. Discover now