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In which 

Olivia takes a business call and u wont stop teasing her

this one's actually kinda long! 

- - <3 - - 

You were perfectly happy all wrapped up in the warm comfort of your bed with Olivia's arms around you when her phone rang, startling you both. 

Olivia picked her phone up from the bedside table and looked at who was facetiming her. 

"augh, sorry baby, I gotta answer this. It's from Becca" Olivia said as she moved you out of her arms, you sat next to her instead as Olivia sat up in bed. Becca was Olivia's manager and whenever she called it was important. 

"Okay, I'll be quiet" you said as Olivia took a sec to pat down her hair before she answered the call. 

"Whats up bec?" Olivia asks 

"so, you got an offer to host SNL" Becca explains

"Oh My God! yes wh-" Olivia starts but was interrupted by you sliding your hand up her thigh, coming to rest at her waist. 

"Y/n. Stop, I'm on a call" Olivia hisses through her teeth, you fight back a smirk. 

"So...when would you like to host, they gave me a few open dates, this saturday, the saturday after that or the saturday about a month and a half from now" Becca ignores you

"um..the saturday in two weeks does that soun-" olivia starts to respond but is distracted by you toying with her hair. She tugs the strand out of your fingers and gives you an annoyed look. You make a apologetic face and raise your hands in defeat. 

"alright, sorry. um, yeah the saturday in two weeks" Olivia finishes 

"That sounds good, I'll get that set in stone, and then um, you got a sponsorship deal with pacsun" Becca explains

"ooh, I'd love to do-" Olivia responds, cut off by you kissing the base of her neck

"Y/n, what are you doing? i'm trying to have a conversation!" Olivia says, exasperated

"Im sorry baby, It's just hard for me to keep my hands off you" you admitted as you scooped her into your lap.

"Well can you at least try for like ten minutes?" Olivia asks as she turns back to Becca

"Im so sorry, anyways, when do I need to be there for the pacsun th-" Olivia starts to talk again but is silenced as you peck her lips. 

"You're so hot bubba" You whisper in her ear. 

"Y/n I swear to god!" Olivia snaps at your handsyness. 

"Im sorry I can't help it I mean just look at yourself" You say to her in a clearly seductive tone

"I'm sorry...maybe I can call you back when Ms. Y/l/n can let go of you for a bit?" Becca says, clearly uncomfortable with watching you tease Olivia.

"no no, it's okay. i'm just gonna ignore her" Olivia states as she continues her conversation with Becca

"You'll need to be there are noon on friday, I'll forward you the venue" Becca says and Olivia nods

"Should I do glam before i-" Olivia starts talking, interrupted again when you trace your thumb in a small circle on one of her breasts. 

"Okay, that's it. You need to get out" Olivia finally breaks, truly angry you won't let her talk

"No" You responded as you kiss her jaw.

"Y/n If you don't stop you're sleeping on the couch." Olivia threatens as she moves off your lap so you can leave the room, but you instead stay in the same spot with a bemused smirk

Olivia grabs you arm, trying to pull you off the bed, but obviously that was a bad idea. You're much stronger than her and instead pull her down, making her lips collide with yours. You both stay like that until Olivia manages to move off you and grab her phone. It's obvious to see that Becca went on mute and is now laughing her ass off at you both. 

"Okay Olivia, I'm going to let you go, call me back when Y/n's calmed down. I'll send you the details to the pacsun sponsorship. 

and with that Becca hangs up. 

"What the fuck y/n!" Olivia snaps

"Come on Livaboo, You had fun" You coo

"Fuck you." 

"sure! in what way will you be fucking me?" you asked and Olivia laughed

"GOD I hate you" Olivia said with an annoyed grin

"I love you too baby" you said with a smile.

"I know what you're going to do" Olivia smirked, two can play at this game 

"what am i going to do?" you asked as Olivia grabbed your pillow

"Sleep on the couch" She said as she pushed you out into the hallway with your pillow and closed the door. 

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