Live Stream

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In which 

You and Olivia Announce you're together via live stream 

hope u like it! <3

- - <3 - - 

"Babe, you almost ready?" Olivia asked as you finished putting on a touch of mascara

"Yes Ma'am" you said as you came out of the bathroom.

Olivia looked at you and smiled. She was seated on the couch with a tripod in front of her. Today she was going to announce that you were together via live stream. It was kind of a coming out and relationship announcement all rolled into one.

"You nervous?" You asked and Olivia shook her head

"For some reason, no, maybe it's cause this is who I've always been and I'm excited that I get to show who I truly am to everyone, and I get to show off the woman I love" she said as you came to sit next to her.

"We'll I'm happy you're happy babe" you said as you pecked her lips. You made sure not to make the kiss passionate as not to smudge your makeup, or hers.

"Okay you know I love you but scooch out of the frame" Olivia said as she playfully swatted your hand.

So you went and sat behind the tripod so you could still see Olivia.

As soon as she started the live stream you hatched a brilliant plan

You scrunched your eyes up, furrowed your brows and puckered your lips. This worked, because as soon as Olivia's eyes flitted up from the camera she let out a huge laugh

"S-stop!" She muttered as she recovered.

"Sorry guys, there was a funny comment" she lied

This time, you made a different face which also made Olivia laugh. But instead of lying to cover up why she was laughing, she cleared her throat and spoke

"Okay guys, there's someone I want you to meet" Olivia said, you quickly ran your fingers through your hair as Olivia patted the couch cushion next to her

"This is my girlfriend, y/n" she said as you say down next to her. You wrapped your arms around Olivia's shoulders and smiled for the fans.

Your eyes fluttered down to the comments that we're pouring into the livestream and at least 3/4 of them were some variation of




The stream of people commenting "KISS" just kept coming, so of course, you gave the fans what they wanted

"Baby, I think they want us to kiss" you said and Olivia Grinned

Olivia placed her lips to yours softly, you stayed like that for a short while, until you pulled away and kissed her on the cheek.

"So if you guys haven't already guessed, I'm Bi!" Olivia exclaimed with a smile.

The rest of the livestream was mostly un-eventful, except you couldn't help but notice that the fans seemed incredibly un-interested in Olivia talking about her work and only asked questions about your relationship, which you were both more than happy to answer.

When the livestream ended, two and a half hours later, Olivia clicked off the camera and grinned at you

"Thank you for doing that with me baby" she cooed as she hugged you

"It means a lot" she added

"No worries! I want the world to know your mine so I'm not complaining" you smiled up at her. 

𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗺𝗼𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗶 𝗸𝗻𝗲𝘄 ★ 𝗼𝗹𝗶𝘃𝗶𝗮 𝗿𝗼𝗱𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗼Where stories live. Discover now