That Time of the month

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In which 

Olivia gets her period at ur house

talking abt periods should b normalized, im (not) sorry if this makes you uncomfortable

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It was 1:30 am, and Olivia was rummaging through her small backpack anxiously.

Olivia had slept over at your house, she did not anticipate her period coming six days early, and she'd bled through her sweats and onto the large teeshirt of yours that she'd worn to bed. Luckily she didn't think she'd bled onto your bed, because the situation was awkward already.

"Fuck fuck fuck" she cursed as she realized she had nothing on her, she usually did, but of course the one time she actually needed a pad, she didn't have one on her.

Olivia couldn't help as she started to cry. But this awoke you. After realizing Olivia wasn't by your side as you thought she would be, you started to worry

"Olivia?" You asked into the darkness

"Yeah?" She whimpered from in the corner of your room, near your desk.

"Bubba it's like One am, come back to bed" you said as you rolled over to face the wall your desk was near.

"I can't" Olivia responded.

You were puzzled by this so you groaned and turned on the lamp on your bedside table. This illuminated the room and you could see that Olivia was indeed huddled over her bag, wiping away tears.

"Baby! What's wrong" you asked, your heart hurt seeing her so sad, so you got out of bed to go comfort her.

" period came and I don't have anything on me" she sniffled as she bowed her head down

"And I can't just go back to bed, I bled through" she adds sadly

"Oh baby, you act like you're the only person to ever have a period, come on, I've gotta have something you can use" you reassured her with a hug, before standing up and pulling Liv up with you.

"Thanks" she said as she followed you into the bathroom.

You showed Liv where you always kept your supplies and told her that if she ever needed anything she could just take what she needed.

"I'm always here if you need me" you said as you kissed her forehead, Olivia smiled and shooed you out of the bathroom.

"I'll be in bed if you need anything" you told Olivia as you closed the bathroom door behind you. 

𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗺𝗼𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗶 𝗸𝗻𝗲𝘄 ★ 𝗼𝗹𝗶𝘃𝗶𝗮 𝗿𝗼𝗱𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗼Where stories live. Discover now