The Beach (requested) part 3

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I don't wanna preview this cause spoilers 

if you read the other two parts and liked em, here's the ending :)

i'm getting to the requests I promise, btw I wrote this in creative writing class while we were supposed to be working on screenplays, lol

-- <3 --

You could hear the squawk of seagulls drifting through the open window as your eyes fluttered open. 

It was late afternoon, you could tell by the heat wafting through the house. The beach house was a fairly open house, so that fresh, sea air was always flowing through the house. 

The sun was high in the sky as you opened your eyes with a yawn, you could see rays of sunlight drifting through the window. 

At late afternoon, the heat was at it's peak. And while you loved the relaxing feeling of the warm, humid climate, it was way too hot to be tangled up with another person. 

you groaned, your body ached, but in the best way possible as you thought about earlier that day with a grin.

You felt the sticky sweat clinging to your skin as you looked down to see Your girlfriend, still asleep, with her arms and legs wrapped around you. 

You smiled, her messy brown hair fell in careless waves, messily draped around and on her face. Her smooth skin rested on yours, but it was too. hot. 

As you started to carefully try to move your girlfriend off of you, but to little result. 

Olivia let out a noise that sounded a lot like "noor" as she just cuddled closer to you. You couldn't help but laugh, which woke her up fully. 

Olivia's chocolate brown eyes fluttered open and she gazed at you with a smile

Her eyes flicked down your naked body, and suddenly she started to laugh, albeit embarrassedly. 


"sorry babe, I guess i got a little carried away earlier" she grinned 

"what?" you laughed at your girlfriend, until she moved off of you and pointed towards the small bathroom connected to your room. 

You got out of the soft bed, and for the sake of time, settled for crossing your arms over your chest to hide your breasts. You knew it wasn't anything Olivia hadn't seen before, but still. 

You walked into the bathroom, with Olivia at your heels, and looked in the full length mirror

"Oh god! is that what I look like after I wake up??" you exclaimed, disgusted by your tangled bed head and pillow lines on your face. 

"Babe" Olivia pointed at the mirror 

and then you saw them. 

your torso displayed tons of small, purple hickeys. They were everywhere, on your neck, your stomach, your chest, when you looked down, the insides of your thighs and even when you let your arms fall by your sides, your breasts. 

"oh my god Liv...they're everywhere" You breathed as you took in your appearance 

"I'm sorry, I'll try to do less next time" Olivia smiled as she looped her arms around your waist, hugging you from behind. Every curve and crevice of her body pressed against yours as she pressed herself against you.

"who says I don't like them" you smiled shyly

"i mean..." Olivia faded off with a confused smile "i'm down, I love giving you them and then everyone knows your mine" she says as she burrows her face in your exposed neck. 

Suddenly, you feel the brush of warm lips against the base of your neck, and you spin away, with a keen glint in your eye

"okay, eager beaver, lets not get ahead of ourselves, I already look like a blueberry. Now, Lets go swimming before dinner!! I haven't gotten to try the pool yet" You exclaimed. 

it was true, the house you rented not only had a private beach, but its own pool; granted it wasn't big, but it was a pool.

"and i'm the eager beaver?" Olivia joked

"for sex? yeah. swimming? no" you responded "pleaseeee?" you begged 

"fine. lets go change" Olivia rolled her eyes

"yay!!" you exclaimed as you ran back into the bedroom to go get ready to swim. 

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