Online Dating Part 1

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BRo this one is so long wtf

idk if i like it tbh

part 2 coming soon also OMFG liv in the pic above...

-- <3 --

"Class Dismissed, have a good day y'all! Your thesis on microbiology in animal science is due on the twenty-fourth!" Your professor said as you closed your notebook and packed up your stuff. 

You and the rest of your classmates filed out of the lecture hall and into the bright sunlight of the Cornell campus. As soon as you turned and started to walk towards your car, You pulled out your phone and smiled down at the screen, where you had many text notifications from your girlfriend, Olivia. 

You responded to each message as you kept walking

Y/n: Bold

Olivia: Italics 

Hey Love, just got out of physiology 😁

How was it?

ok, we have to write a thesis on microbio in animal science, not excited for that

Look at my girl, working hard and shit 😘

aw thanks babe, Love you

Love you more!

God, I want to meet you so bad. I'd pick you up and kiss the living daylights out of you. 


Figuring that your girlfriend was probably busy doing something amazing, you put your phone in your back pocket and unlocked your car. 

You took a moment to breathe in the serenity of your car, just peace. 

And then you got an idea. 

You grinned and got back out of your car. You locked the door and walked quickly back to campus. You had to be at work in forty minutes, so you had to get this done quickly. 

It didn't take long, you went into the campus store and picked out a sweatshirt, it was red and had 'Cornell' embroidered on the chest, you bought it oversized, and after paying went back to your car. 

You quickly peeled off the light blue sweatshirt you'd been wearing and put on the Cornell sweatshirt, it was soft and heavy in a comforting way. 

You knew Olivia's birthday was only about three weeks away, so over the next week and a half, whenever it was cold enough or you felt like wearing a hoodie or sweatshirt, you wore the Cornell one, to wear it in and get it smelling like you. 

Two weeks passed by in a jiffy, you went to school, work, and then worked out, which filled your days and didn't leave you with much time to yourself. 

This was key, as there was a small part of your plan that you had to keep very secret from Olivia, she knew you'd bought a school hoodie, but she didn't know you had the intention of giving it to her, in person, on her birthday. 

Genius, huh?

except you'd fallen in love with your girlfriend's personality, not her face. Small roadblock; you'd never actually seen her face. 

there were small seeds of doubt planted in your stomach, but you knew you had to go through with this. 

You and Olivia had an open relationship, and over the course of the year and a half that you'd dated, you'd also gotten close with her Girl-best-friend, Iris. Which was going to come in handy right about now. 

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