Online Dating part 2

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Cont. of part 1

sorry if this sucks 

hahah we're writing fanfic in creative writing class today XD also that pic *gay panik* ^^


"Olivia?" Your voice came out cracked from shock

"a..are you...y/n?" she stuttered

"yeah?" Your anxiousness made it come out like a question. 

You totally didn't expect what happened next. 

Before you could comprehend what was happening, Olivia threw her arms around your neck. She pulled her body against yours as she hugged you tightly. You hugged her back and soon felt her body start to shake with tears. 

"Olivia??" you asked as you felt your girlfriend cry against your chest, but this only made her cry harder. 

"Are you okay? Liv, please answer me" You begged hopelessly and Olivia quickly pulled away as she wiped her eyes 

"come in, please come in" Olivia sniffled as she opened the door wider to let you in. 

You walked slowly through the door into the long hallway that led to the rest of the house. You cringed from the loud noise of your suitcase, but Olivia didn't seem to mind. 

you emerge into the large, open dining room and stand awkwardly, waiting for Olivia to direct you or to say something, anything at all. 

"L...look. I'm really really sorry about...this" Olivia said, the tears still thick in her voice as she gestured to herself. 

You couldn't speak. You wanted to, but you couldn't. You were trying to think about what this meant for you and her. One of your defense mechanisms was anger, and too swiftly for you to stop it, your confusion and the rush of emotions in your veins took the form of anger. The worst type of anger. Not the "scream and break everything" kind of anger, but the kind of slow burn anger, buried deep in your chest. She'd hid that she was a celebrity. She'd hidden who she was. And you didn't even want to try to count the amount of times she'd lied to help keep her identity a secret. And you'd shared everything about yourself with her.

You took a deep breath and started

"Look, Olivia. I don't know what this means for us, and I can't be around you until I figure this out. I'm not going to lead you on to believe that we'll ever be the same. Because we won't." 

Olivia looked taken aback, "Please. Y/n don't leave. Please. You're the only person I've ever truly loved, I need you. I'm sorry, i'm so so sorry about this, it's all fucked up. I'm sorry I lied, I'm sorry I hid who I was-" Her words were clouded by tears, but you cut her off and grabbed the handle of your suitcase. 

"I'll see you later, Olivia" You said as you started to walk away, suitcase in hand. 

It only took about TWO HOURS  for you to find an open hotel. When you got inside you couldn't help as the tears started to slip down your cheeks. 

You sunk down onto the carpeted hotel floor, with your back pressed up against the bed. You brought your knees up close, against your chest and wrapped your arms around them. Your head rested in your hands as you sobbed. 

You felt really bad. You felt so bad about what you'd just done, but there was nothing you could do. You'd basically just broken up with your soulmate, on her birthday. 

You don't know how long you cried, but the sobs just kept coming, and you did nothing to stop them. 

You cried until your head started to pound, and you reached over, grabbed your light blue hydroflask and took a long swig of cool water

"Gotta stay hydrated to keep crying" You laughed, talking to yourself. 

Anger, frustration and confusion coursed through your veins, but inside you knew that you were just trying to hide what you felt; that you needed Olivia, and you'd deal with the baggage that came with her job, as long as she was yours. 

the thing was, it was already too late. You'd ended it. There's no way she would want you back. 

As if summoned from your imagination, suddenly a loud knocking came from your hotel door. 

You got up, your muscles tense and you walked to the door

Probably just housekeeping.

You opened the heavy door, but instead of housekeeping, a certain stunning brunette looked back at you, she'd been crying. 

Olivia weakly held up her phone, it showed your icon on a blurry map; she'd mapped your phone. 

You couldn't muster up the energy to smile.

You turned around, to let her inside the room, but Olivia stuck her hand out, blocking the door. 

"Y/N" she said, and you turned back around "Stop. Don't do this. Please. Don't end it. I know we-" Olivia starts but you cut her off, again

"Olivia" You say but she only holds up her hand

"No. You listen to me. I won't let you end it, you can't. I'm going to fight for this. Fight for us" she says, her voice wobbling like she's about to cry

"OLIVIA" You say a little louder, and she finally stops talking to look a you

"I didn't break us up. I know it sounded like that. and It's killing me. I'm sorry." I say as hot tears cloud my vision. How I have tears left after that crying fit I had just minutes ago I don't know.

"I understand if you want to break up, But Liv, I fell in love with the person. Not the life or the looks, though you are literally the most gorgeous woman i've ever seen, I fell in love with you. And I'll do whatever it takes for you to forgive me" I say with a small, teary smile

"Oh baby" Olivia says as she starts towards you. 

She wraps her arms around you and you melt into the embrace. 

you pull away and softly place your hands on the sides of your girlfriends jaw and bring her face close to yours.

"can I kiss you?" you whisper and olivia's breath hitches

"of course" 

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