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I literally dropped off the face of the earth, but everything is getting updated plus 2 new books so hopefully I made it up to ya'll pls don't hate me 

nice little fluff shot for u but lowk kinda based on a personal nightmare I had about getting deported to a concentration camp hehe fun times being a jew w generational trauma from the holocaust :)

anyways, I'm running out of ideas so if ya'll could request (literally anything, except noncon, ageplay, and g!p) that would be much appreciated.

- <3 -

your eyes shot open, heart racing. You gasped for breath, but sleep nagged at you again, so you relented and let your eyelids slip closed once more, dousing you in darkness. 

And you could feel it, you could see all the people cramped in the boxcar. You knew icy winds blew outside the rattling train on your way to your death. 

"at least we got good seats away from the cold" your best friend prompted

the anxiety was crushing you. No one came back from this alive. They'd kill you once you got off the train. you were so scared. you couldn't die. no. please. there had got to be a way to get out of the train. 

suddenly, the train stopped. 

"Out!" someone yelled in a deep voice as the boxcar doors flew open and you were herded into two lines. 

"you!" your best friend was grabbed by the arm by a man dressed in uniform and he shoved them into one line

maybe they wouldn't kill you since you were in a different line, just them-

"y/n? baby?" 

your eyes flew open, your heart was racing and your breathing staggered 

warm hands brushed over your cheeks, clearing hair out of your face 

"Baby, hey, you were shaking and whimpering," Olivia said worriedly as she hovered over you, kissing your bare shoulder lightly

"N-no... they- they we're going to no" you stammered, curling into your girlfriend. You pushed your body against her, burying your face in the soft fabric of her sleep t-shirt. "" Your entire body shook violently, teeth chattering together. 

"hey, hey. it's okay. no one's going to do anything. I'm here" Olivia breathed as she pressed a kiss on your temple

"Please don't go" you managed to squeeze out as your arms snaked around your girlfriend's waist, pulling her even closer to you as you rode out the violent shakes.

"shhh baby I'm not going anywhere. I promise. I'm right here. I love you so much" Olivia said in between kisses on the top of your head. 

"they're...they're going to come back. please" you whimpered, eyes screwed shut as the images replayed in your mind over and over. 

"oh no they won't. they're not going to touch my y/n" Olivia whispered as she hugged you tighter, silently hoping to ease your violent trembling. It wasn't fair how the sweetest, most caring person had to fight nightmares this bad. 

"I...if I close...I can see them" You tried to explain that sleep was just not on the agenda for you anymore. 

"hey, that's okay. Sleep is overrated. It's almost 4 anyway, and we don't have anything tomorrow. it's okay my love" Olivia glanced at the clock on the nightstand that read 3:47 am.

ideally, she would get some more sleep, but you were more important. FAR more important. 

"Hey, why don't we go downstairs and put something on?" Olivia suggested

you nod slowly "Can you come with? I can't be alone" you whisper, voice breaking

"Of course baby, I wasn't going to stay here." Olivia assured you, but when you made a move to sit up, she pressed a delicate kiss to your lips "Wait right here for a minute my love, I'll be right back"

when your girlfriend returned a couple minutes later, she helped you into a bridal position, before carrying you down the stairs. You were too shaken to respond to the fact that your girlfriend was strong as fuck so instead, you just leaned your head against her chest and breathed in the scent of her dove body wash and lingering perfume. 

you two sat down on the couch when Olivia handed you one of her oversized hoodies and some ice water in a tumbler. 

"do you need anything else before I get the blankets?" she asked in the most caring tone that positively made your heart melt.

"you" You pouted that your girlfriend wasn't hugging you at that exact moment and you realized with a start that you'd stopped shaking. "my shakies stopped!" you exclaimed, a childish grin spreading on your face. 

"oh baby that's amazing!" Olivia grinned, elated that you were recovering. 

Olivia pulled you over to her spot on the couch and you settled down in between her legs, head laying comfortably on her chest with the weighted blanket covering you both. 

"I love you" you whispered as Olivia turned on the tv and started to play gilmore girls, your favorite show. 

you snuggled against Olivia as your breathing slowed. and as your girlfriend went to brush the stray hairs out of your face she saw that you'd fallen into a deep, calm sleep not even halfway through the first episode. Olivia smiled down at her girl. 

"I love you too, baby. Sleep well" she breathed, careful not to wake you up since you'd found peaceful sleep for once. God knows you deserved that much. 

Olivia tightened her arms around your sleeping frame as she smiled into your hair, perfectly content with her beautiful girlfriend in her arms. Not long after, Olivia started to drift off too, with Gilmore girls playing mindlessly in the background. 

she'd do this every night if it's what it took for you to feel safe. You deserved that much protection from the demons in your beautiful mind. 

𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗺𝗼𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗶 𝗸𝗻𝗲𝘄 ★ 𝗼𝗹𝗶𝘃𝗶𝗮 𝗿𝗼𝗱𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗼Where stories live. Discover now