Hickeys (Prank)

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in which 

you put (fake) hickeys on your neck too see how Olivia reacts 

Creds to  @//gayforddlovato for the inspo <3

Your stomach was filled with butterflies as you anxiously awaited the knock at your door that would mean Olivia was home from tour. She'd been gone for six months, and your work schedule had prevented you from seeing her on tour. As much fun as you knew touring was for Olivia, you made a point to text every day and you knew how the break was affecting your girlfriend, which made it that much sweeter for her to be home. 

Finally, you heard a loud rap on your door. The grin that exploded on your face couldn't be hidden as you swung open the door. And there she was. Your girl wore a grin identical to yours as she hauled her suitcase through the door into the living room. 

"I missed you," Olivia said wrapped her arms around you. You sighed as you collapsed into her. Her sweet scent filled your nose, instantly evaporating any anxiety in your stomach. She smelled like summer roses, which had become one of your favorite smells. 

"I love you" You muttered. Olivia was a couple of inches taller than you, so she was usually the big spoon in the relationship. She turned your jaw up towards hers as she kissed your lips. 

"Mhmm I've missed you" she cooed as she rested her forehead on yours. You nodded your response. 

"Did you miss me, or did you miss my lips?" You asked, bringing back that playful banter that your relationship always had. 

"Can it be both?" Olivia asked as she giggled, her sweet breath fanning out on your face. 

"Yes, it can." You responded as you brought your lips back to Olivia's. 

She instantly took the lead and claimed your top lip. That was fine with you because you preferred her bottom lip. Her lips curved on yours perfectly, like they were made for each other. You bit Olivia's lip and she let out a small moan just before she pulled away to give you love bites on your neck. Her eyes fluttered back open as she leaned down to start peppering you with kisses, but before she could, her eyes flitted to the patches of purple skin on your neck. 

Olivia couldn't suppress the shock that crossed her face as she pulled away from you. 

"Liv?" you asked 

"Don't even start y/n. Just don't" Olivia said, clearly angry. 

"What?" you responded, pretending to be confused

"you know exactly what. How...Who gave you those?" she asked

"What?" you asked again, Olivia scoffed

"The hickeys in your neck y/n! Who gave them to you?" Olivia demanded

You looked away from your girlfriend and instead down at the rug, which only made Olivia feel worse. 

"No. Don't look away. Look at me y/n. Tell me. Please baby tell me" Olivia begged. 

You barely managed to keep the shock you felt from showing on your face. Olivia wasn't yelling at you, she was begging you. 

"Liv..." You start but Olivia scoffed again

"Stop! Just tell me. Baby..." she trailed off into tears, and it broke your heart. 

"Olivia, I can explain this," You said, hoping she'd give you one more chance, you had to make things right. 

"You'd better have a goddamn magical explanation, Y/n. This is not how I want to come home after a long-ass tour, to find out you cheated" She cried. Your gut instinct was to pull her to you, you hated seeing her cry, but Olivia stayed back. 

"Baby! look at me, they're fake" You rushed as you wiped your thumb across your neck and pulled it away, the purple eyeshadow on your thumb instead of your neck. 

"what?" Olivia asked as she sniffed 

"They're fake. baby girl I'd never cheat on you, I love you and I will never risk losing you" You cooed and Olivia gave you a small sad smile

"I love you too, but that was a bitchy thing to do," Olivia remarked

"I'm sorry" You apologized, it was not fake one bit. 

"Okay I forgive you" Olivia sniffed and pulled you against her "But you will pay for that" she added

"Well, now I'm scared" You joked and Olivia playfully booped your nose. 

"I love you so much bubs" you cooed as you pecked Olivia's lips

"I love you more," she said and silenced your response with a kiss. 

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