it's too...busty

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in which You + Olivia bite back about a too revealing photoshoot 

yea yea I'm sorry this kinda sucks :/

Olivia's 17 in this (as r u) also I'm fucking in love with her ok bye

-- <3 --

Olivia's a huge celebrity. 

you knew this. 

You weren't oblivious to the press, and every day you were reminded how you'd lucked out and gotten one of the biggest pop superstars of the time to fall for you. Every day, boring, Y/n. The girl who's always been average. Never been over the top at anything. Good grades, good --- if small group of friends, fine looks. but overall, a pretty average person on paper. And Olivia had fallen for you. 

But sometimes there were things that you were less than happy about coming in a packaged deal with her career. 

Press tours and photos we're one of the most efficient ways to get news around about anything big influencers did, and Olivia was no exception. 

You were one of Olivia's manager's bosses, and you were in charge of making sure she had a well-oiled machine working with and for her. Being her girlfriend, you always had Olivia's best interest in mind. From making sure her tour bus was rented and paid for, to blocking off some free time for her, you did it all. However, You never worked directly with your girlfriend. She had people in every corner of her career: make-up and hair, many publicists, a producer, a photography team, scheduling managers, and many more. It was your job to hire and make sure those people were doing their jobs. Which is how you'd gotten in the bind you were in now. 

"Miss y/n/n? Miss Rodrigo is requesting you over on set" a guy dressed in mostly black with an earpiece said as he walked over to where you were seated in the craft services tent with your mac propped up on your knees. 

You nodded and followed him back to where your girlfriend was supposedly having an all-day promotion photoshoot for Louis Vuitton. 

As soon as her eyes landed on you, Olivia locked her phone and ran to you from where she was seated in a director's chair, sipping an iced matcha. Or, as close to running as you can get in thick, platformed boots around three inches thick. 

"Hi baby! come look at these pictures. I love them all I can't pick which three to post" Olivia grinned as she grabbed your hand and started to lead you to the monitor set up, with many people crowded around it. 

"wow no 'I missed you, dear y/n. you're the love of my life and I'm sorry I've been busy lately' kiss?" You make a mock-hurt expression and Olivia rolls her eyes but tips her head up and brushes her lips against yours softly. 

when you pulled apart you couldn't help your eyes as they flicked down her body, and outfit. 

She wore a dark purple plaid skirt, on top she wore fishnets, and over those --- a skimpy, push-up black top with many chains and necklaces. 

You ignored the pang in your stomach and instead focused on her purple smokey eye and delicate clips in her hair --- which resembled real-life butterflies. 

Olivia led you over to the monitor and took you through the photos in various poses, but the only thing you could think about was how much of her chest was showing from the push-up.  

If it was just you seeing the photos you wouldn't have cared, she looked incredibly hot. 

but billions of people were going to see those photos. 

"are-are you gonna post these?" You mumbled and your girlfriend looked over with a quizzical expression on her face

"uh...yeah. It's a partnership. Why?" She asks, visibly confused

"they're just..." The words didn't come, instead, you felt your face heat up as a slight sweat broke out on your clammy skin

"babe? are you okay?" Olivia grabbed your hand. 

God y/n! why did you get so skittish around these kinda things?

"y/n/n, if you don't like them, just say so. You're my girlfriend, I want you to be honest with me, okay?" Olivia continues. The photographers, photo editors, make-up, and hair people crowded around seeming to fade into the background

"it's not that I don't like them, it's just... they're....augh. They're too revealing. That's for my eyes only" You wrap your arm around Olivia's neck and pull her into a tight hug

After soaking in the hug for a little while, Olivia pulled away and turned away from you while still keeping your fingers tightly interlocked with hers. 

"okay. Becca, I haven't posted in ages, but we still have some pics leftover from tour, right?" Olivia asks her photography manager kindly, but firmly. 

"uh, yeah? why?" Becca responds

"Please delete those photos. Y/n is right, and she's my girlfriend. I trust her." Olivia states

"Okay Miss Rodrigo, let's not be so rushy. A nice young girl like you shouldn't be so harsh" An old guy responds. I know instantly that he might lose his job if he lets this partnership slip away. 

"Danver is right, you need to appear enticing to attract attention." Another old guy buts in

"That is absolute. Fucking. bullshit. And ew. She has a girlfriend, you know. Yeah, me." You spit and hold up your and Olivia's clasped hands. You note how almost all of Olivia's team is staying quiet; clearly imitated by your presence. you control their jobs, and if they argue on the wrong side they might find themselves unemployed at the end of the day.

"now Olivia, I am not opposing you, but are you absolutely sure you want to give up that much money?" Becca asks tentatively 

"positive." She responds, and Becca nods. But when none of the guys do anything she throws her hands up in disgust

"well, you heard the woman! delete the photos. and you can rest assured that Miss Rodrigo's team will not hesitate to press charges for sexualizing minors if you charge us for the photos or release them without permission." Becca snarls, and a middle-aged man rushes to delete the photos. 

In a few minutes, you, Olivia, and the rest of her team are surrounded by fresh air as you exit the studio. 

You kiss Olivia's hand and Look over at her 

"you didn't have to do that, for me" You frown

"I wanted to. I could feel that old guy drooling over me, like, hello, I have a girlfriend. The best in the world, actually" Olivia beams 

"the world better back off. Cause this one's taken" You joke and pull Olivia in for another hug

"that I am, future Mrs. Rodrigo" Olivia responds

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