Dodging Kisses

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In which

you dodge olivia's kisses & she gets sad 

this was fun to write !! 

- - <3 - - 

Olivia Grinned as she you walked through the door, sighing. It'd been a long day, but you had something up your sleeve. It was a dare your friends put you up to, so, as you set your bag down at the kitchen table, you propped up your phone against your bag, made sure that the couch was in the frame, and hit record.

You walked back to the couch, and picked up a magazine from the coffee table. Olivia didn't let you get that far

"Hey baby" she cooed as she played with your hair

"How was your day?" She asked

"It was okay" you said with a smile

"That's good" Olivia said, you knew this was the point where she would kiss you, and you were right. So right as Olivia went in for the kiss, you tipped your head, so she kissed your cheek. Then you pulled away, and wiped your cheek.

Olivia frowned.

"What's wrong?" She asked with a sad look on her face

"Nothings wrong" you said, this wasn't a lie. Olivia tried to kiss you again, but when you wiped your lips with your hand as you pulled away, she got worried.

"What's wrong with you Y/n!" She exclaimed, confused and kind of upset that you were wiping away her kisses

"I already told you, nothing's wrong" you assured her, with a squeeze of her hand

"Then why do you keep doing that!" She said with a sad look on her face

"Doing what?" You asked innocently

Olivia planted a few light kisses on your jaw and trailing down your neck, you wiped away each one

"That!" Olivia exclaimed angrily

"Your dodging my kisses y/n!" She said "I love kissing you, and you usually love it when I kiss you, so what's wrong" she said, determined to get to the bottom of your 'problem'

"I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings, it was a prank" you said as you crawled into Olivia's lap.

"You're a jerk" Olivia muttered but you both knew she didn't mean it.

"I'm your jerk though" you said as she trailed kisses down your neck, biting a bit on the last few, leaving little love bites.

"You are, you're my beautiful, annoying jerk" she cooed as you grin up at her up at her. She smiles back, with that gorgeous full on grin you'd fallen in love with. 

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