Skinny Dipping

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PLEASE can we get 20K also liv's glossier boy brows oml <33

this was inspired by euphoria

let's not do the Kanye west hate ok ya'll livfties (swiftie-live hybrids) 

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The cold bottle presses against your lips as You take a long swig of the strong drink.

"Gah! What even is this?!" You exclaim as the drink burns down your throat.

You gaze around the party as your brain turns fuzzy.

"My teeth are stinging" Olivia mutters with a huge, drunken grin as she walks over to you with a drink in her hand

It was a New Year's Eve party at Kanye west's house, how you and your girlfriend got invited was news to you, but it was a sick party and anyone with half a brain could see that.

The huge living room was full of people dirty dancing, and the air smelled like weed.

You were sitting on a plush leather armchair nursing a cold bottle of beer in your hand and watching the scene.

You glanced over at the matching armchair just one coffee table away, where your friend Griffin Gluck was sitting

Suddenly, his girlfriend, Sabrina walked over and straddled him. She started avidly kissing griffin and you whistled

"Damn Carpenter"

Sabrina didn't even pull away as she flipped you off and then nestled her hand back into griffins hair

You chuckled until you looked up and saw Olivia hovering over you

"Hey baby" she slurred as she too straddled you. She instantly smashed her lips onto yours and you kissed back passionately.

Your girlfriend tasted like alcohol and god only knew how much she'd had to drink.

You slid your hands up Olivia's legs and squeezed her ass, earning a small moan from your girlfriend

You pulled away with a grin as you looked Olivia in her brown eyes, even though they were blown out from the alcohol and the lust coursing through her veins.

"Let's go skinny dipping!" You exclaimed loudly and heard a gasp from a little ways away

"Oh my god, we should!" Sabrina cried as she stood up, off Griffin.

Suddenly, Olivia pulled off her dress in one swift motion. Leaving it all for the world to see, but everyone around was too drunk to care.

So you did the same. You stripped quickly, as did Sabrina and Griffin

"Come on" Sabrina exclaimed as she ran out the large glass doors to the spacious yard with all three of you on her heels.

The large pool was lit up purple, something only very rich people could afford.

Just steps in front of you, you saw Sabrina and Griffin hurl themselves into the water with loud cries of excitement.

Without even faltering your run, you grabbed your girlfriend's hand and leaped, pulling you both into the pool. You and Olivia shrieked as you splashed into the pool.

The cool water swirled around you as you sunk into the bottom of the pool. Your butt hit the bottom and you pushed your feet against the smooth cement and propelled yourself to the surface.

You broke the surface with a gasp and rubbed the chlorine from your eyes.

You grinned a drunken laugh as you looked over at Olivia who was treading a little ways away

"Heyyyy," she said "oh would you look at that. My clothes are missing" your girlfriend slurred and you swam swiftly over to her

"Are you on drugs?" You joke and Olivia pondered for a second

"Maybe" she decided and you just laughed as you kissed your lips found Olivia's.

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