The Beach (Requested) part 2

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NOT PROOF READ!! sorry for any errors

Im scarred. there will be a part three but it won't be smut :) 

-- <3 --

Olivia had disappeared inside the luxurious beach house before you managed to swim back to shore. 

By the time you climbed the wooden stairs to the house, you'd become increasingly worried that Olivia was actually mad. 

You found your girlfriend in a loose tee shirt of hers, standing at the stove

"Hey..." You started, anxiously, but Olivia just ignored you. You walked closer and hovered near where Olivia was re-heating leftover chicken from last night. 

"y/n," she said, and you got a small bud of hope that she wasn't actually mad at you, only for that hope to get stomped out when she grabbed your wrist

"I need to get past you," she said in a pissed off tone

"oh, sorry" You mumbled and got out of her way

Feeling awful about what you'd done, you decided to hop in the shower and wash your hair which was beginning to get crispy due to the saltwater in it. 

The shower helped to calm your nerves, but not 100%, because it was still very clear that Olivia was angry at you. 

You spent a long time in the shower, trying to get every inch of seawater off your skin. 

Eventually, you emerged from the shower with a towel wrapped around your torso. 

as you swung the door open, suddenly a certain brunette sprung out from behind the wall and yelled 


You let out a loud scream of terror, and in doing so, your hands flew up to cover your mouth which caused your towel to fall in a heap at your feet. 

"Shit Olivia!" You said as you bent down to pick up your towel, but Olivia was faster. 

Your girlfriend swooped down and grabbed the towel out from your grasp. 

"on the bed. Wait for me, princess." Olivia cooed in a husky voice. 

You did as you were told, no one disrespected the woman you addressed as 'Mommy' and ever walked again. 

You laid down on the smooth white comforter of the bed you two shared and waited for Olivia. 

Seconds later, Olivia walked back into the bedroom. 

Your breath hitched as she began to strip right in front of you. 

your girlfriend stripped painfully slow, pulling each piece of clothing off her perfect skin slowly. 

You admired her silently from where you sat, your eyes taking in her every detail, from her perfectly curved hips, toned tummy, perky yet full breasts, and her strong thighs. This wasn't anything new for you, but her sheer beauty took you by surprise every time. 

After many agonizingly slow minutes, Olivia climbed onto the bed, right on top of you but not touching you...yet.

She balanced on her hands and knees, hovering over you. 

By this point, you trembled from need, but you knew Olivia was going to torture you as much as she could. 

Your girlfriend slowly leaned down towards your face, but still hovered her lips about an inch from yours. 

"Liv" You begged for her, and she smirked at your helplessness. 

Olivia bent down slowly and latched her lips to yours. Your arms instantly sprang up and wrapped around her neck as you kissed her hungrily, but Olivia pulled back after a minute, with an evil looking smile on her face.

"oh darling you want me don't you" she breathed 

"yes mommy, oh please olivia" you begged

olivia chuckled but kept teasing you, making you wait. 

You could feel her warm breath on your neck as Olivia bent down and started to place firm kisses down your neck, making you tremble from the euphoric feeling. 

she trailed down, leaving love bites in her wake. She left kisses on every inch of your skin, but it still wasn't enough, you wanted to feel her.

Olivia kissed firmly down the middle of your stomach, and you nestled your hand into her long, brown hair.  

your hips bucked and you tugged at her hair when suddenly you felt a warm hand slide in between your legs. 

Your breath caught and you moaned loudly as Olivia started to lightly rub your clit. 

"you're already so wet for mommy" she cooed as she looked up at you with her dark brown eyes. 

"ye...yes mommy" you moaned as Olivia moved back up, towards you, but she didn't move her hand away from your clit. 

Olivia's lips found yours once again, and this time she was all in. 

She kissed you with a ferocity that hadn't been there before, tongue, teeth, everything. 

Olivia's tongue flirted with yours, but it was all a distraction as Olivia roughly slid two fingers into you. 

You pulled away from the kiss, your breath coming in ragged pants as she thrust in and out of you, after not even a minute you felt the knot tighten in the pit of your stomach

"l-liv" you moaned 

"nuh uh princess. not yet" she husked in the deep voice she only took on when she was commanding you. 

"m..mommy" you exclaimed as Olivia curled her fingers and hit your g-spot "please" you begged 

WIthout stopping her motion, Olivia kissed you again, her lips fitting onto yours. 

"okay darling" she breathed as she pulled away again, and you let go. 

The knot in your stomach loosened and Olivia smirked as she pulled her fingers out and licked them

"mhm you taste so good baby" she moaned

You grabbed Olivia's jaw and pulled her lips onto yours, but two could play at this game. While she was distracted, you flipped her over. 

now it was her turn. 

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