She's rude when you first meet

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in which

olivia is a b*itch

when you first meet 


You hated LA. Everything about it. Big cities always gave you anxiety and made you jumpy, and to make it all worse, this time you were alone. Your work had a business conference this week, but other than that you had a few days in between to go do what you wanted, and being alone in a big city like LA was nerve wracking, especially as a 19 year old female.

You made sure to walk quickly from your taxi into the large hotel you were staying at, as soon as you were surrounded by people that could hear you scream if anything happened, you started to calm down a little bit.

You paused in the corner of the lobby as you set down your bags and fished through your backpack to find your hotel info. You finally whipped out the papers and proceeded to wait in line to check in.

Anxiety was a blessing and a curse when in big cities, because it was double ended. Anxiety tended to make you hyper alert of your surroundings but also got you stuck in your thoughts, so everything around you was muffled background noise to the intrusive thoughts.

'That guy looks rough, he could rape you and then you would get pregnant and then have to raise a kid as a broke single parent'

Once the spiral started it didn't stop.

You snapped out of your thoughts as the line moved. That's when you heard something thud onto the ground. Your hyper alert anxiety looked around frantically for whatever had made the sound, and your eyes landed on a black wallet at your feet.

The person in front of you had obviously dropped it, you bent down and picked it up, the smooth leather resting in your palm. That's when you realized that the woman who'd allegedly dropped the wallet had a group of seven bulky men surrounding her. She looked around your age but you didn't want to rub her bodyguards the wrong way. You gulped and opened your mouth before you had time to chicken out.

"Excuse me?" You said, your voice coming out way higher than usual, due to your anxiety.

The woman in front of you spun around, and you lost your breath. That was not only a superstar celebrity, but your idol. You were talking to Olivia Rodrigo. You gulped and fingered with the wallet to soothe your anxious habit.

"I...uh-" you started but were cut off when Olivia scoffed

"What the fuck! You fans take it too far sometimes, Jesus Christ. You were gonna steal my fucking wallet?" Olivia spat as she snatched her wallet out of your hand

A lump formed in your throat, this was not the idol you knew and adored, this was not the girl you Fangirled over.

"I...I was dropped it and I was going to give it back. I'm sorry" you said as you bit back tears. You then noticed that the line had evaporated in front of you two and most people in the lobby were watching you two fight.

You knew it was a bitchy thing to do but you picked up your bags and walked over to the counter. You tried to swallow the tears threatening to fall as you started to pay for your room.

All went well and soon you were waiting for the elevator, the worst part about hotels. When the doors opened you quickly tried to gather your stuff, but as you had two roller bags and a backpack as well as your phone & room key in your hand it was proving difficult. Suddenly, a warm hand rested on yours.

"Let me" she said and you looked over, just to see Olivia wanting to help you with your luggage, a little taken aback, you mumbled an "okay."

as you both got into the elevator one of Olivia's bodyguards suddenly realized where his charge had gone and he started to run towards the closing elevator doors

"MISS RODRIGO COME BACK HERE" he instructed in a deep voice but Olivia just laughed "BECCA WILL HEAR ABOUT THIS!" The bodyguard yelled just as the elevator doors closed fully.

"God they're annoying, you know?" Olivia said. You were still kind of shocked that this was the same person that was a total bitch to you in the lobby

"Uh...yeah...I've never had bodyguards...yeah" you stuttered and Olivia grinned

"Yeah. Look, I'm sorry about how I acted back there, you were doing something super nice to make sure i didn't lose my personal information and I was a jerk about it, I'm sorry"

"Oh no it's okay I kinda get it, I have social anxiety and I can only imagine how annoying having fans nagging at you can get"

"No it's really not. Can I have a picture?"

You thought Olivia was done surprising you today, but apparently not. She wanted a picture...with you? Wasn't it supposed to be the other way around?

"Yeah yeah of course! You...want a picture with me?" You said and Olivia nodded as she pulled out her phone

"You're really pretty, sorry if that sounds creepy" Olivia responds as she holds up her phone, of course it was the newest iPhone. You felt kind of jealous considering you didn't even have an iPhone.

You posed with Olivia and right after the elevator stopped at your level.

Olivia helped you get your luggage all the way to your door.

"Thanks for your help. Can you send me the pictures?" You ask, your cheeks turning red sheepishly.

"Yes of course, but I'm going to need your

Phone number for that...are you ok with that?"

"Oh yeah that's fine"

You pulled out your phone, a Galaxy Z flip.

"Woah bro that's so cool!" Olivia amired

"Really?" You said, astonished

"Yeah that's epic!" She said and you beamed


You both traded numbers and shared an awkward hug as Olivia prepared to leave to go find her team.

"What was your name again?" Olivia asked as she broke the hug

"Y/n" you said

"That's such a pretty name! Well I should get going..." olivia said and you nodded. As Olivia walked down the hall she turned back around and waved

"Catch you later, y/n." She grinned and you waved back with a big smile.

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