Sky-High (requested)

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woah its been a MINUTE hasn't it

im so sorry for the lack of updates, so much going on yk

i feel like this kinda sucks but i hope you like it. 

-- <3 -- 

"Oh god. Where's Y/n?" Olivia said frantically as she suddenly snapped back into reality. 

"what?" A blonde girl who, up till that point, had been dirty dancing against Olivia said drunkenly. 

"sorry, I have to go find my girlfriend" Olivia cringed at the pungent smell of alcohol in the blondies breath as she slid out of her grasp. 

Olivia picked her way through the party, but there was no sign of you. 

"fuckkkk where can she be?" Olivia muttered, frantic

"anything I can help you with gorgeous?" a tall guy slurred at her 

"sorry, not interested in getting railed right now." Olivia muttered as she pushed past him and continued to look for you. 

"FINALLY! there you are" Olivia exclaimed as her eyes landed on you. You were sat by the pool with your feet in the water. A dark skinned woman sat next to you, and she seemed awfully close...

Suddenly, Olivia must have caught your attention as your head whirled around and faced her

"hey" You burped mid sentence, and the harsh smell of way too many drinks hit your girlfriend, her nose curled slightly at the smell, but you're her girlfriend, and you're just drunk. 

"come on, up you get" Olivia instructed as she held her hand out to you to help you up. 

"aw, come on, shug, stay a while" The dark skinned woman said, and that's when Olivia noticed the glass joint in her hand. 

oh lord.  

"it's okay, let's get out of here, BABE" Olivia emphasized the last word, because the womans hand was creeping too close to the hem of your dress. 

"no. Don't you call me bAbE. I have a girlfriend." You made an overly emotional angry face, but Olivia just rolled her eyes. You'd forget tonights events by morning, and you'd be back to your usual, funny, quirky self. 

"come on, we're leaving." Olivia grabbed your hand and pulled you up. 

"one more?" You asked with puppy dog eyes as you gestured to the joint that the dark-skinned girl was holding up to you. 

"I think you've had enough already" Olivia continued to drag you away from the woman, and you followed. But not before you turned back around to yell

"Goodbye, Eyelashes!" at the woman



It took a surprising time of 16 minutes before you could weave your way out of the party. But finally, you two emerged onto the enormous front lawn. 

There were a couple of people lounging around, but it was nothing compared to the stuffy hell inside. 

"stay right here, okay? I'm going to go call an uber." Olivia said to you before she walked down to the sidewalk, where it was a lot quieter. 

augh...calling an uber for two eighteen-year-old girls at 11 PM? that sounds like a scene from a horror movie. no. way. 

which left one option

Olivia sighed before dialing Conan's number. 

The phone rang twice before he picked up. 

"what." Conan said dryly

"okay look I'm sorry it's this late but I need you to pick me and y/n up." 

"why is it ALWAYS me? girl you have other friends, I mean I know I'm your favorite but you're the music industry's favorite teenager, you have people literally lined up around the block to date you. I'm sure someone else could drive you home" 

"Conannnnnnn come on, you're the only one i know will not be reliably doing something. Gracie's probably with her girlfriend, and Iris is here,  i don't know where and definitely way too drunk to drive, but still." Olivia scrambled

"ouchhhh" Conan said, but he laughed "I'm gonna take that how you meant it, not how it sounded. Fine. I'll be there soon." 

Olivia ran back up to where you were staring at a guy who was standing on the brick steps. 

"Conan's on his way" Olivia said to you, but your eyes were locked on the guy

"look" you giggled, pointing to the guy's jeans

"he has a..." you erupted into senseless giggles again, Olivia rolled her eyes. 

"okay that's enough, lets go wait for Conan" Olivia muttered to you, kindly. You were a sensitive stoner, and even more sensitive drunk. The slightest sass from Olivia could, and would send you to tears.

Olivia's warm handed rested against your waist as she guided you down the dark walkway to the sidewalk. 

twenty minutes passed, and then Conan's small black toyota was pulling up in front of the house. 

"come on baby, let's get you home" Olivia grabbed your arm softly as she opened the backseat door of Conan's car. 

the drive was fine, it was when Olivia was locking the front door of your house behind her, when the trouble started. 

You threw yourself at Olivia, literally. You jumped towards her, your hands around her neck, bringing her down to kiss you. Your lips moved against Olivia's, hot, messy, and tainted with alcohol for just a second before Olivia jammed her hands into your shoulders.

Olivia pulled away from you, and saw your face fall, but she dismissed it. In one swift swoop, Olivia picked you up and carried you up the creaky steps to your shared bedroom. 

After setting you on the bed, Olivia turned towards the door. 

"I'm just going to go grab you an Advil and some water, okay babe? i'll be right back. I promise" Olivia smiled at you softly before going back downstairs-- returning a couple minutes later with a glass of water and bottle of pills in hand. You let her set down the drink and medicine down on your bedside table before you yanked on the front of her dress pulling her down on top of you. 

Your lips chased hers but Olivia pulled away instead. 

"As much fun as that would be, i am not going to let you fuck me while you're drunk and high. You probably won't remember any of this in the morning anyway." Olivia said, you noticed an uncalled for bite in her voice. 

with alarm, Olivia noticed that your chin trembled. 

"hey hey, no. i'm sorry. I want you to be able to remember my fingers, okay? that's all." Olivia rushed to stop the tears before they started. "cuddles?" Olivia asked, her arms wide as she laid down beside you on the bed. 

"cuddles." you said as you curled into your girlfriend. 

"that's it, sweetheart. Sleep well. I love you" 

Olivia's lips pressing against the top of your head was the last thing you felt before slipping into a deep sleep. 

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