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Bla bla bla this kinda sucks + sorry for the ending

sorry i'm getting to the requests 

in which you teach liv to skate - also, again...the pic *dies in bisexual*

-- <3 --

"Come on liv, please?" you asked with puppy dog eyes as you flopped on your stomach onto the soft mattress the bed, facing your girlfriend. You rested your head in your hands as you stared at her, making your cutest face. 

"Augh stop being so cute! I can't say no when you look like that!" Olivia giggled as she made a pouty face at you

You just cocked your head and kept smiling at her. 

"fine! god" your girlfriend huffed and you grinned 

"Yay!" you exclaimed as you got up, off your stomach and onto your hands and knees. You crawled towards olivia and put your hands next to her shoulders, on the soft pillows below her as you straddled her waist. You leaned down and started to pepper her face with happy kisses. She giggled as you smothered her in your love. You kissed every inch of her beautiful face and then got an idea, you knew that your girlfriend's reaction would be adorable. 

you suddenly stopped kissing Olivia and quickly stood up, off the bed, and walked over to the your shared closet. But you looked back to see Olivia frowning. 

"what?" you asked gleefully

"I was hoping you'd forget about skateboarding and we could kiss instead" she smiled and slumped back down onto the pillows

"In your dreams, sweetheart. Come on it'll be fun" You said as you pulled off your pajama pants and traded them for a more favorable pair of black leggings. 

Olivia watched you as you changed, you could feel her eyes on you and when your back was facing Olivia, you smirked. If she cooperated she might get a reward when you got home.

"Get the dressed baby, something functional like converse for shoes, I'll be downstairs making breakfast," You said. As you turned and smiled at her, then walked out the door and downstairs into the kitchen. 

-- time skip

after a quick breakfast of oatmeal and smoothies, it was time to hit the halfpipe! or rather..hit the abandoned smooth parking lot about a 20-minutes drive away from your house.

The hot July sunshine was already blaring down on you when you opened the trunk to your cr and took out your skateboard and a black helmet, Olivia met you just a little ways away from the car and you noticed her squinting at the deck of your board.

"what?" you asked, flipping your board over to inspect the bottom of the deck

"Baby! is that a...sour sticker?" Olivia asked with a gleeful grin

"AND? don't judge, what can I say, I'm a livie!" you exclaimed, protectively wrapping your arms around your board

"Don't tell the fans, but you're my favorite livie" Olivia whispered in your ear. 

Was that...seduction in her voice?

"Nuh uh missy don't you try to distract me, we're skateboarding. You're skateboarding." You said and olivia groaned, but smiled

"You're nuts" 

"don't try to beat the master at her own game, or do you need to learn who's in charge, livie darling" 

"skateboarding, was it? that's what you wanted to do?" Olivia laughed

You grabbed Olivia's hand and brought her back to the present moment

"helmet," you said as you handed Olivia the black helmet, she strapped it on quickly as you set your skateboard down on the smooth pavement

"Okay, so for right now, I have my foot next to the trucks, okay? so you're not going to move, I'm just gonna teach you how to stand on the board correctly" You say as you position your ankle against the cool metal of the trucks, bracing the wheels

You took each one of Olivia's hands in yours and guided her up, onto the board. She stepped up, but you could tell she was worried about falling off, so you made sure to provide a steady brace

"Liv, baby, look at me, you're ok, you're not going to fall" You smiled, and your girlfriend seemed to relax a bit

"ok, so position your feet sideways...yes! just like that!" you exclaimed as Olivia positioned her feet. It was clear she'd never even stood on a skateboard before, and her concentration face was adorable. 

"I'm going to move my foot and walk with you, okay? I'll still hold your hands, I'm here if you fall. If you feel like you're going to fall, jump off the board" You instructed, and Olivia slowly nodded

"ok, moving my foot" you said as you quickly moved your foot out from near the truck. Instantly the skateboard jerked forward, and Olivia's grip on your hands tightened.

Slowly, you look a step, kind of pulling the board and your girlfriend along, slowly but surely you made your way across the parking lot. 

And so it went. For the next hour, you slowly worked with Olivia until she was able to push off on her own, though she still needed your hands to brace her

After yet another successful ride down the length of the parking lot, Olivia flipped the skateboard up and grabbed the tip

"I think I'm ready to try the next one without you, is that okay?" she asked and you beamed

"ok? it's more than okay! again, if you feel like you're going to fall, jump off, but if you don't have time to, it's ok. Falling is part of the process" You said and Olivia nodded. She confidently mounted the skateboard and then pushed off smoothly. Her foot found the board as she coasted down the smooth parking lot

"YAY OLIVIA!!" You cheered, but suddenly, Olivia must have put too much weight on the end of the skateboard because the board swiftly tipped upward, sending your girlfriend tumbling down onto the pavement. Olivia fell hard onto her bum and you instantly took off, jogging towards her. 

"Liv! Omigod baby are you okay?!" You knelt down next to her but when you looked at her face olivia was...laughing?

Olivia's body shook with laughter and you swatted her arm

"I was worried about you!" you exclaimed angrily but Olivia just kept laughing

"oh god, that was a rush!" she panted as her chocolate brown eyes met yours

"fuck you" you groaned

"fuck me" olivia smirked as she pulled you into a heated kiss. 

𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗺𝗼𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗶 𝗸𝗻𝗲𝘄 ★ 𝗼𝗹𝗶𝘃𝗶𝗮 𝗿𝗼𝗱𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗼Where stories live. Discover now