The Beach (Requested) part 1

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Hi so like I feel like imma faint so that's why pt 2 will not be up till tmrw at the earliest <3

this is a mix of two requests I've gotten 

it was gonna be one part but I'm doing 2 because its long

-- <3 --

"Come on liv! let's go!!!" You cheered like a little girl as you eagerly kicked off your flip-flops. Your feet sunk into the warm golden sand and you breathed in the salty air. 

You and your girlfriend Olivia had been on vacation to a private cove off the Bahamas. Sour Tour had ended only a week prior, and your girlfriend was exhausted, so you'd surprised her by renting the luxurious beach house in the private, secluded cove. 

Turquoise water sparkled as far as the eye could see, lapping calmly at the shore. 

You'd arrived to the private cove late last night, and much to your dismay you hadn't gotten to go in the water yet. So, after a quick breakfast of smoothie bowls, you and Olivia had changed, and then it was time to hit the beach!

"Okay okay, I'm coming" Olivia laughed as she walked down to where you stood. 

"Last one to the water is Jake Gyllenhaal!!" You called as you took off running down the beach. 

"Hey! not fair!" Olivia yelled as she hastily pulled off her loose shorts and flip-flops. 

Olivia sprinted after you, but there's only so fast one can go when running on a beach, and your head start had gotten you an unbeatable lead on your girlfriend. 

Soon, you felt cool, refreshing water swirl around your feet. You kept running deeper into the water. The deeper you got into the water, the harder it was to run and all of a sudden, when you were up to your mid-thighs in crystal clear seawater a small but powerful wave hit your legs. Because you had been trying to run, your legs hadn't been planted in the sand, and the wave swiftly knocked your legs out from under you and your whole body went tumbling into the water. 

Cool water surrounded you. The water was the perfect temperature, cool but not cold, warm but not hot. You resurfaced after the wave passed and you wiped your eyes from the salt. 

"Oh. My. God. you should have seen your face!" Olivia wheezed. She was just ankles deep in the water but she was hunched over, clearly, she had been laughing her ass off at your fail. 

You were going to get her back for that. 

"come." You said to your girlfriend

Olivia cautiously waded to where you were, and soon enough both of you were up to your chests in the water. 

You swam around for a while, doing handstands in the surf and paddling around when suddenly, you got an idea. The tide had brought you and Olivia a little farther out, but not too far out to be unsafe or anything, but the water had risen to right below your collarbone. 

Olivia wore a skimpy bikini that tied in the back with thin straps, perfect for your plan. 

On any other beach, you wouldn't even attempt to do something like this, you respected Olivia too much to do that to her considering paparazzi seemed to find you everywhere, but this was a private beach, no one else had access. 

You slowly moved behind Olivia in the water and wrapped your arms around her waist. After a minute, you bent your head down slowly and grabbed the end of the string of Olivia's bikini in your teeth. You tugged slowly until the knot was loosened, and in one swift motion, you pulled your arms away from her waist and up to the strings you tugged sharply. The top fell off in one swoop, into the water in front of Olivia. 

"WHAT THE FUCK Y/N!" Olivia exclaims as she drops down into the water, to cover her chest. 

You smirked, because of the depth of where you both currently stood, you could still nearly stand under Olivia. So you did. 

You dove down below your girlfriend then you stood up in between Olivia's legs. She screamed as you rose from the water with her on your shoulders. Now she couldn't hide her bare chest. 

"fuck!" Olivia yelled as her arm flew up to cover her boobs. 

"Fuck you. Fuck!" With her free hand, Olivia swatted at the top of your head

"Give me my top back" She demanded, but it was so hard to take her seriously when she was grumpy

"Oh, This one?" You asked as You fished the bikini top out of the water

"Yes!" Olivia grabbed at it, but you kept it just out of your frustrated girlfriends reach

You quickly threw the bikini out towards the entrance to the cove, the tide would eventually wash it out, away from Olivia. 

"y/n!!" Olivia yelled angrily, but all you could do was laugh 

"fuck you. You suck. I hate you." Olivia spat, but you knew she didn't mean it. 

"Let. me. down," she stated, and it was starting to hurt, carrying a grown person on your shoulders, so you sunk down into the water and Olivia Jumped off, then proceeded to swim angrily back towards the beach. 

You didn't believe that she was, but what if Olivia was actually angry at you?

You had to fix this.

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