camping (requested) Part 2

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we're gonna use my families real names cause there's too many acronyms, sorry :/ Nisha's my irl older sister, Sonia and Trevor one set of my irl aunt and uncles, Erik is my irl little bro, Eli, Tora, and Camille are some of my irl cousins, Chris is my irl dad. (My mom is mentioned in part 1) Shoutout to my immediate and extended fam for always being there for me, Idk what I would do without them all. 

guys im back w/ another update!! ya miss me?

read part 1 first -- sorry for any and all spelling errors, not proof read

-- <3 -- 

morning came bright and early at the camp site, at six AM in fact. 

While camping, you're on natures clock, you wake up with the sun and go to bed when it sets, since there's little to nothing to do in the dark. 

After hastily pulling on your camping boots, a pair of cargo pants, and a patagonia jacket, you unzipped the tent and emerged into the fresh air. 

Your older sister, Nisha was already up, sitting by the unlit campfire with a book in her hands. 

"Hi" you said as you sat down next to her

"hi." she responded, but kept reading

"whatcha readin?" you asked 

"crush by tracy wolff" she responded

"cool beans" you said 

you two sat in silence for a while, until your sister looked over at you 

"I, for one, can't wait till the celebs wake up after a night on the ground" she smirked

"FOR REAL! It's gonna be hilarious, especially Conan" you grinned and Nisha agreed wholeheartedly.

You chattered for a bit, catching up on life, and soon enough most people got up and started to fill the campground with lively chatter. Iris was the first awake after you from your party, and she looked fine, but she'd had experience camping. Olivia and Conan? not so much. 

It only took about five minutes after the little kids started a noisy game of tag, for the first grumpy celeb to wake from their hibernation. 

You and Nisha watched as the tent unzipped and a very tired Olivia emerged. 

She had dawned your swim meet hoodie, a pair of sweats, and the only pair of shoes she'd brought on the trip; combat boots. 

She looked...dreadful. Your girlfriend had puffy bags under her eyes, and her hair was a mess. But she looked darn cute all frazzled and exhausted. 

You wanted to run over and hug her, but decided to humor Nisha a little more, and see what happened. 

"Hi" Olivia said in the most exhausted voice you'd ever heard from the short brunette

"Hey" you responded with a grin 

"I'm Nisha, by the way" Nisha interrupted as she looked over at your girlfriend

"Olivia" Olivia said as she held out her hand for your sister to shake. 

"Okay baby i'm gonna be honest, you look terrible" you joked and Olivia sighed

"I know, I know" she rolled her eyes but proceeded to pull her hair into a messy bun, leaving a couple of strands to hang in front of her face

"hey! Loser! isn't that y/n's hoodie?" your little brother, Erik yelled at Olivia, who crossed her arms over her chest 

"so what, dickhead?" you called back at your brother, which aroused a response from your mother

"y/n, don't talk to your brother like that, apologize" your mother said with a raised eyebrow

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