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 sorry for any and all spelling / wording errors 

I changed the whole ending 

this ended up being kinda long!!!!

-- <3 --

"one. two. three. four. five. six....twenty!" you yelled "ready or not here i come" your eyes blinked open and adjusted to the bright fluorescent lights of Ikea

okay. where would liv hide? 

you glanced around the fully decorated showroom, there were a few families here and there but other than that it was mostly vacant. There were many places to hide, but Olivia was known for being the master of hide and seek. Games in your own house would go on for an hour at least. 

suddenly, this started to seem like a terrible idea. Ikea was HUGE. 

No. chill out y/n, you'd find her. 

You took a deep breath and then started to pick apart everything in the room mentally while not moving. Chances are if liv was hidden well she wouldn't be able to see you. Olivia was known for changing spots when she heard you coming, but two can play at that game. 

after deciding the room was empty, you followed the arrows painted on the floor and found yourself in a dining room showroom, with a kitchen connected. Thats when you heard a crash. 

The loud sound of glass shattering filled your ears. You spun around just in time to see a flash of purple disappear into the showroom next door. 


you took off. smart choice to wear active shoes today, y/n. You bolt after your girlfriend and turn the corner in time to see her turn the next one. 

"SHIT!!!" you hear before another loud crash 

you skid to a halt in a small walkway and almost see it happen in slow motion. 

Olivia must've brushed up against a display bookshelf while she was evading your capture and sure enough, every one of the hard-cover cookbooks came tumbling down. It's not exactly funny, per se...but for some reason, you can't hold back the snort laughs that come out of your mouth at Olivia's panicked expression

"got you" you pant between snorts

once you start snort laughing, you cant stop

"nope! you haven't tagged me yet" Olivia smirks and then turns on her heels, leaving the cookbooks in her wake

"wait! that's now how-" You stop, knowing it's not going to change anything

"YOU CAN RUN BUT YOU CAN'T HIDE, RODRIGO!!" You yell at the top of your lungs as you sprint after her, pushing past a large family as you weave through the complex hallways

you're too busy chasing your girlfriend through Ikea that you almost miss the small break in the wall between a bed and the display couch. If you take the secret passage you can cut Olivia off...

you turn a full 180 and keel for a second before bolting forward again, and sure enough, Olivia stumbles into the room at the same time as you

"hah hah hah!! I GOT YOU, DUMBASS!" You yell as you reach out and tag Olivia firmly on her shoulder 

"f-" Olivia starts before closing her mouth 

"what?" You ask, but Olivia stays silent 

"Ladies, we have to ask that you please exit the premises for playing a rambunctious game of hide and go seek that ended up damaging display items." A very pissed-looking security guard says

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