2- how to socialize

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Usually, omegas love shopping. The thought of buying something new to wear for their alphas to see is exciting. Which is why Jimin definitely knew his dad had really fallen for whoever it is he's dating.

It's already been established that Jimin isn't the stereotypical omega. So when his dad forced him to go to the mall later in the week, he got upset. Especially when he saw how happy his dad looked. It's not the fact that his dad is happy, but more so why his dad is happy.

He watched with an upset frown as his father picks out a red sweater. His dad doesn't wear red. Never has. He's told him once before that he feels like he looks like a tomato in red clothing. He's a small male, not smaller than Jimin but he's small. And he resembles Jimin, those notorious plump lips and chubby cheeks. But with a bit of wrinkles and stress lines.

"You don't wear red," Jimin says more rudely than he meant to.

His father looks up, a surprised look on his face. He then glances down at the sweater in his hand and puckers his lips. "But this sweater is cute."

"No, it's not and you don't like red."

"Well, now I do." His father says before putting the sweater in his shopping cart.

Jimin rolls his eyes as they move on throughout the store. He notices his father getting rather...youthful clothes. He never cared for fashion that much, only when his late wife forced him to dress up. So to see him buying actually nice clothing is just weird.

"You're forty-one," Jimin feels the need to remind his father when he sees him reach for a pair of skinny jeans.

His dad rolls his eyes, examining the pants. "Am I not allowed to look good while being forty-one?"

"No, but those jeans look too...tight."


Jimin narrows his eyes. "You're a dad, not a bachelor."

"Okay, what's with the attitude?" His father finally says. He tried to ignore it but he just can't anymore.

Jimin adjusts his beanie on his head. It successfully hid his bright pink hair which he now hates because it caused too much unwanted attention. He pretends to look through a nearby rack of clothing.

"Oh nothing," he hums out sarcastically. "Just that you became a whole different person because you're dating someone."

His father sighs out, annoyed with his son. "Jimin. Look, I know you're mad-"

"I'm not mad." Jimin cuts him off, rolling his eyes.

His father parrots the action. "You're seriously mad at me for wanting to be happy? This is the happiest I've been in a while and you're going to hate me for it?"

Something about his comment angered Jimin. His dad is assuming he doesn't want him to be happy when that's not the reason at all. "What about me? What about my happiness?" The teen doesn't give him a chance to respond as he starts walking away. Everything in this store is either too ugly or too edgy for him. He doesn't care enough about his own style to find something nice to wear to school.

School has been okay. Jimin has seen Seokjin a few times in the hallway and exchanged awkward waves with him but that's about it. He's seen that Jeongguk boy studying in the library but didn't bother to talk to him and he bumped into the Hoseok guy in the restroom. He could have had a conversation with them, but his anxiety said no.

When Jimin actually finds a shirt he likes, he's looking for his dad in the store to place it in the cart. Of course, his dad looks like every other person in this store so it's hard for him to find him. It's weird how teens these days dress like forty-one year old men.

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