10- how to be stubborn

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The clinic is next door to the pack house so they don't have to walk far. From where they are, Jimin can see the volunteer group continuing their tour around the pack. He grows increasingly upset because he wanted to see the rest of the pack and maybe even go for a run but now he can't. All because he's just so clumsy.

An older woman notices them as soon as they enterthe clinic and she rushes over, dropping whatever she had in her hands.

"Oh dear, are you okay?" She asks as she notices his swollen knee.

"I'm good. Peachy." Jimin responds sarcastically. The woman frowns at his attitude.

Yoongi shoots Jimin a glare before turning back to the woman. "Mom, I think his knee is broken."

Jimin's eyes nearly pop out of his head when he registered what Yoongi said. He gives the woman a once over. She has dark brown hair that's tied into a messy ponytail, cat like eyes that resembles Yoongi's, and a bit of aging on her face. She's Yoongi's mom? Great, now he's starting to feel guilty for being snappy towards her.

The woman ushers them to follow her. "It certainly does look like it's fractured based on the amount of swelling."

She leads the to a small room with a medical bed and tons of doctor gadgets that Jimin doesn't know the name of. He managed to get on the bed by himself and Yoongi's mother immediately begins gathering supplies to clean his wound.

"What's your name? I haven't seen you around here before."

"Park Jimin." He answers. He bit down on his lip when she sprayed an antibiotic solution on the scrapes on his knee. His mom ain't raise no bitch but damn, it burns.

"Nice to meet you, you can call me Mrs. Min." The woman says as she begins inspecting the wound.

He watches her with anxious eyes. His knee really does hurt a lot and if she touches it too hard he might actually growl at her. His wolf side is just on edge due to the fact that he's injured in a foreign location full of other wolves. Therefore, he sort of sees her as a threat even though she's here to help him. He can't help but feel this way, though. His wolf hadn't been out in years and the one time where he was going to shift, he gets injured.

"Yoongi, hun, can you get Minji for me? I'll need her to X-Ray his knee. I'm sure that it's broken." Mrs. Min explains as she stands from her crouched position and looks up at her son. Yoongi nods before leaving the room to do as she wishes.

"Broken?" Jimin repeats with a heavy frown.

She nods. "It looks like there's a fracture from what I can tell. A simple fall wouldn't create this much swelling."

Jimin sighs and crosses his arms over his chest. He honestly didn't expect it to be broken. He was walking on it just a few minutes ago. If this happened in his wolf form, his wound would have already healed. He realized he started to get even more upset when Yoongi can back with the Minji lady and she confirmed he fractured a bone in his knee and would have to wear a knee brace for a while.

She was a pretty girl, too. And maybe that's why Jimin was even more annoyed. Her short black hair grazed her shoulders gracefully and her almond shaped eyes were a hazel color. And not that Jimin cares (he really doesn't) but Yoongi was staring at her. It was just an observation.

She's a doctor and apparently was older than Yoongi by a few years. But she looks youthful and if she didn't have her scrubs on, Jimin would've thought she was a freshly graduated teenager.

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