20- how to treat a sick omega

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While writing this, i got sick so I'm sorry if the ending feels rushed. It was, lol.

It's hot.

He takes in a deep breath, huffing in annoyance. His sleep is being interrupted because of how hot he feels. He opens his eyes and slowly peels the blanket from his sweaty skin. His throat feels dry and constricted and he can feel a bead of sweat roll down the side of his face.

When he tries to sit up, his body feels like it weighs a thousand pounds. He's hit with a wave of nausea once he does. Touching his sweaty forehead with the back of his hand, he notices that it feels pretty warm. Almost as if he's been sitting in a sauna for an hour.

He gasps when he suddenly feels bile rising in his stomach. His head feels dizzy and his eyes feel heavy. When his mouth starts salivating, he's sure that there's no doubt that he's about to puke all over the couch.

Jimin glances to the right where Yoongi sits, sleeping. It has to be around 7pm now. The glare of the sun is gone from the windows and the credits of some random movie plays quietly on the TV. He doesn't know how long he's been sleep, nor does he care. His main priority is to wake Yoongi up before things get nasty.

"Y-Yoongi..." he calls out to him quietly. So quietly that he's sure the alpha didn't hear him.

"Yoongi." He says a little louder, throat burning at forcing his voice to be louder than a whisper. Still, Yoongi doesn't move.

He's hit with another wave of nausea. It causes him to hunch over a bit. He gasps, clenching his eyes closed when he feels his headache throbbing harshly against his skull. Everything suddenly feels like its been amplified. His head aches, his stomach lurches, his body feels heavy, his skin is hot, and he feels awful. He whimpers in pain, not knowing what to do. He's never felt this sick before and the uncomfortable heat he feels is making everything worse. He feels so weak that his wolf suddenly becomes present in order to help him deal with the pain.

When he opens his eyes again, everything looks a bit hazy. He turns a bit to see Yoongi still asleep but he must have shifted a bit. Jimin feels a strong pull to him. Being in his hoodie and being so close yet far from his somehow makes his pain worse to the point where tears begin to prick at his eyes. He whimpers again, this time a little louder. It feels like he can't speak. Every thought and word he thinks of comes out as a stressed sound.

He closes his eyes again and takes a deep breath. He inhales the alpha's scent through the hoodie he's wearing. Has his scent always smelled this good? It smells stronger and more potent. He likes the smell of it being mixed with his own scent. He wants to smell Yoongi's scent on him, covering every inch of his body. He suddenly shivers, feeling himself growing hotter. He wishes the alpha would wake up so that he can make him feel better already. So that he can be engulfed in his scent, snuggling into his arms. He whimpers again. He wants him. He wants Yoongi. He wants him to wake up already and help him. Help him get rid of his sickness, help him feel better, and to help him get rid of this heat surrounding him. He inhales his scent again, keening into the fabric. He wants the alpha. He needs him.

"A-alpha..." he whimpers, sniffling into the fabric.

In an instant, Yoongi's eyes open and he sits up quickly. Jimin gasps, seeing his eyes flash red for a second before returning to brown. He whimpers again once he realizes that the alpha is now awake and can help him.

"Jimin?" He asks tiredly, rubbing his eyes. "What's wrong? What happened?"

Jimin tries to sit up but then begin hiccuping and lurching forward. Yoongi immediately catches on and hops off the sofa and to the kitchen to grab the mini trashcan. He throws the lid on the floor and brings it to the omega, sitting it in front of him. Jimin grabs on to it, sparing one more look at Yoongi before throwing up into it.

How To Tame An Omega- yoonminWhere stories live. Discover now