25- how to deal with hurt

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i hate this chapter btw

After two days of sulking about Yoongi, Seokjin and Hoseok got irritated with Jimin. So they pulled him to the side in between classes and said very clearly and sternly;

"You need to stop thinking about that stupid ass alpha!" Seokjin whispered/yelled to him.

Hoseok grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him forward. "I'm tired of seeing you sulk and mope around."

Jimin rolled his eyes. "I always moped around. Yoongi didn't change that."

"Jimin." Seokjin said seriously. His voice sounded deeper and it honestly scared the smaller omega.

"If there's one thing you should never do, it's let an alpha see that they affect you. Don't let him think you care."

And seconds after he said that, a commotion was caused in the hallway. A small crowd was formed a few feet away from them. It was mostly omegas with a few betas and alphas sprinkled in, but that wasn't why people were suddenly getting louder.

There, in the middle of the crowd was Yoongi and Yeonjin. They were holding hands and had matching hickeys on their necks and collarbones. The two hadn't been seen at school since last week, and for them to suddenly show up holding hands and wearing hickeys, rumors started to spread.

"No way!" One alpha male gasped loudly, attracting more attention. "You two are dating again?!"

Seokjin, Jimin, and Hoseok all looked at the crowd with confused frowns. Because there's absolutely no fucking way that Min Yoongi is dating her again. Not after their on and off relationship, not after all the toxicity, and definitely not after he called Jimin his omega.

"Guys, stop," Yeonjin giggled, though she loved the attention.

"Well?" And omega girl asked. "Are you dating again?"

Instead of answering, Yoongi pulled her away from the crowd of their classmates and further down the hall. He wore a neutral expression that didn't give away his inner thoughts or feelings. But Yeonjin wore a proud grin with a matching blush. And when her eyes met Jimin's, she only grinned wider.

It was when she suddenly stopped Yoongi in his stride, stood in front of him, and kissed him, did Jimin actually lose the last bit of sanity he had.

Because seeing Yoongi snake his arm around her waist and kiss her back angered him even more. It pushed him to his already frail and mentally unstable limit. Because Yoongi is fucking stupid! He's...he's annoying! And stupid! Why would he even befriend Jimin? Why would he even get close to him? He always acted protective over him, he's always seemed to care about him, even when Jimin didn't want him to. But somehow, he gradually made his way into the vulnerable part of Jimin's mind. He infiltrated Jimin's tough exterior and managed to leave him feeling exposed.

But the problem is that Jimin was beginning to like it. He was starting to allow Yoongi to make him feel vulnerable. He invaded his mind, his senses, and even the omega in him. As much as he's mad at him right now, he's more hurt than anything. His omega howls in sorrow seeing him be with her.

He's extremely hurt because he never thought that Yoongi would be the type to play him. He feels played. It's like Yoongi gained all of his trust and then suddenly betrayed him. And for what? An annoying ass bitch?

But...maybe it's because she's more of an omega than him. He's never been a good omega. His mother was an alpha and he looked up to her and followed her lead. He didn't want to be like his father, he wanted to be like her. He isn't soft and cuddly and cute like the stereotypical omegas so maybe that's why Yoongi is with Yeonjin and not him.

How To Tame An Omega- yoonminWhere stories live. Discover now