31- how to be an advocate

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"Could I get a little help over here?"

Jimin huffs yet begrudgingly heads over to help out the random beta. With the sun scorching down in nauseating waves and the air being thick and dry, all he wanted to do was go home. Maybe even jump into a bath of ice water. But here he is doing volunteer work in hell-like weather.

Graduation is looming over his shoulder like a devil in a window. With the amount of credits he lacks, sticking to volunteer work to help boost them is his only option. This means helping out in Yoongi's pack along with the other insufferable beings under this insufferable heat.

He puts a little speed into his steps when he notices the poor beta struggling to keep a tall wooden pole up. Jimin asists him quickly, helping him lower the pole to the tilled dirt beneath them. In the process, he feels a pirck on his finger, but continues to help. Once the pole is settled, the beta aligns it with three others, creating a large rectangular box above the soil.

"Thanks. Oh, are you hurt?" The beta asks, watching as the omega inspecting his throbbing finger.

Jimin shrugs, "It's just a splinter."

"Let me help you pull it out."

Jimin frowns at the offer seeing as he barely knows this beta outside of the volunteer group. Yet, he extends his hand out towards him. He doesn't even know the guy's name.

The beta carefully cups his hand and studies the wound. There's an obvious piece of wood stuck in the skin of Jimin's finger, but it looks easy to remove. He pushes down on the wound and Jimin hisses a bit in pain.

"Do the worry," the beta reassures with a kind smile. "I used to get splinters all the time but my mom taught me how to remove them."

And so he removes the splinter with ease and squeezes out a bit of blood from the affected finger. "There. All good, Jimin hyung."

The omega retracts his hand, eyes widened a bit in surprise. He didn't expect this boy to know his name. "You know my name?" He says but it comes out as more of a question.

The beta laughs, "of course I do. You're the one who punched the head alpha. Everyone in the pack knows of you."

The color nearly drains from his face. Everyone in the pack knows that he punched Yoongi? Their future head alpha? That basically makes him a common enemy. He's greatly outnumbered here, too. So if any of those bullies from the carnival find him, it could be bad-

"Hey, don't look too scared! We all applaud you. Well, at least the omegas and betas do." The boy glances away from him and out at the pack houses. "No one ever really stood up to the head alphas before. People just kinda do as they say."

Jimin tilts his head. He thought that pack life was more of a democracy. That the people chose their rules, not governments or lawmakers or even people in power like head alphas.

"What's your name?" He asks and the beta turns back to him.

"Soobin. But you probably don't know me since I'm a sophomore."

Jimin tries to hide his surprise. A sophomore being this tall? He at least thought the boy was a senior like him.

"Anyway thanks for the help with the garden bed." Soobin says and begins heading over to a basket of seeds.

Something about what he said intrigues him though. What did he mean about standing up to head alphas? What was really going on in the pack? Jimin never thought to question the pack authority until now. So he follows behind the boy, joining him by the seeds. Soobin grabs a handful of corn seeds. Jimin copies his actions, doing the same. They walk back to the garden bed and he watches as Soobin carefully plants them.

How To Tame An Omega- yoonminWhere stories live. Discover now