15- how to not get jealous

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Jeongguk glances up at the ding that resonates from the elevator. By the time he registers that Yoongi is leaving, the doors are already closing. He turns back to where Taehyung and Hoseok are standing. He would be lying if he said he didn't feel a bit jealous of them. He tries especially to push it away because of the situation at hand. It's the wrong time to be jealous, he can worry about that later.

"I hate this." Hoseok hisses as he steps closer into Taehyung's embrace. The alpha drops one hand to his shoulder, the other still cupping his reddened cheeks. Jeongguk watches their interaction with an ache in his chest.

"You hate what?" Taehyung questions with a tone that's near a whisper. He gazes into Hoseok's tear glazed, dark brown eyes, and watches as they slowly glow gold.

"I hate being an omega." He averts his eyes as more tears slowly escape.

Taehyung stares at him with saddened eyes before pulling him in closer and hugging him, releasing more pheromones to calm him down. He's always been insecure about his sub gender. Hoseok doesn't like to talk much about being an omega or the things he struggles with unlike Seokjin who is an open book when it comes down to it. But resting against Taehyung's body, he fee's himself immediately relaxing against him and it's moments like these where Jeongguk wishes he was Hoseok. Just for a second.

He finally looks away, staring at the wooden flooring below his feet. He was supposed to be ignoring Taehyung anyway and this just helped him remember why. He ditched his friend to hang out with him. None of this would have probably happened if Jeongguk had been with Jimin like he was supposed to be.

"Jeongguk?" Hoseok calls to him, gathering his attention. The boy looks up at him and when he sees the omega step back from Taehyung to open his arms, he wastes no time in hugging him.

"You smell lovely," he mutters into the junction of his hyung's neck. Hoseok's scent has always been one of Jeongguk's favorites. His isn't overbearing like many omegas. It was subtly sweet. Enough to where ine could take a wiff and remember it all day.

Hoseok rubs his back, humming. "You smell sweet."

Jeongguk gives into his guilty pleasure of sniffing his hyung like a drug dog, sighing and gradually calming down. He doesn't realize it, maybe because he was put under the spell of calming omega and alpha pheromones, but he grows a bit drowsy from it. If he were to realize, he'd have no clue whether the two of them were doing this on purpose or if it was just coincidental, since it's an omega's instinct to comfort and an alpha's instinct to protect.

When Hoseok pulls away, Jeongguk definitely feels sleepy but assumes it's because of the events of today. Hoseok wipes the remaining marks of his tears and ruffles Jeongguk's hair with a small smile.

"Are you staying the night here?"

He shrugs, letting out a small yawn before speaking. "If Jiminie stays then I'll stay too."

Taehyung takes a step closer to him, brows furrowed in concern. "Are you sure, little one? You know how Yoongi hyung is about letting you stay on the pack lands..."

Jeongguk fails to hide the blush that rises to his cheeks at the pet name. He plays with his fingers, taking a glance at Hoseok who nods in agreement. Everyone knows that Yoongi is protective over him because he's unmated and unpresented and the youngest member of their friend group. It may be difficult to make Yoongi let him stay. But if Jimin can stay...why can't he? Couldn't he just wear the alpha's scent and no one would mess with him? No. He doesn't want to wear Yoongi's scent, he wants to wear Taehyung's.

Jeongguk swallows a lump in his throat, avoiding eye contact and picking at his fingernails. "W-what if I wear your scent?"

Taehyung thinks for a second, ultimately scaring Jeongguk who was waiting for a response. Then, he places his hands at the hem of his sweatshirt and pulls it over his head and hands it to the boy who blinks at him with wide eyes.

"If you wanted to wear my scent, you could have just asked." The alpha teases to lighten the mood a bit. He brushes out the wrinkles of his undershirt while the unpresented boy smiles shyly.

He must've forgotten he was in front of people because he brings the fabric to his nose and sniffs it. Hoseok stifles a chuckle at the action and Jeongguk blushes once more from embarrassment. Still, he pulls on the sweatshirt, not at all ashamed to wear his crush's scent. In fact, if he could, he'd display it proudly. He would want everyone to know that he's Taehyung's.

"You feeling better, pup?" The alpha asks with a gentle smile.

Jeongguk doesn't answer verbally, instead opting to nod his head. Something about being wrapped in Taehyung's scent makes him so unbelievably comforted. He wants to smell like him all the time.

When he lets out another yawn, Hoseok pats his head. "Why don't you head upstairs with Yoongi hyung?"

Jeongguk shakes his head, rubbing at his puffy eyes. "I don't wanna go up there yet."

"I have to take Hobi home, Gguk. I have to make sure that you both are safe." Taehyung explains softly so that Jeongguk understands. It's not that he wouldn't understand it if Taehyung spoke in a different tone, but that Jeongguk may not understand the gravity of the situation.

Jeongguk tries to hide his pout but fails, turning to glance at the now closed elevator door. Another yawn breaks through him. Despite feeling slumber calling his name, he still wants to be with Taehyung. He isn't ready to say goodnight, yet.

Hoseok wipes under his eyes to collect the last evidence of his tears, giving a small smile to Jeongguk. "He'll come back after he takes me home, okay? That way you two can cuddle all night."

Jeongguk turns to him, sighing. He knows that he doesn't stand a chance going against the both of them. The fact that Hoseok assures him that he'll still have Taehyung for tonight makes him feel better. It also puts how he feels about the two of them being together in a different perspective. Hoseok probably doesn't know that he likes Taehyung (at this point, how can anyone not know?) yet he never was possessive over him like most omegas would be. The two of them are close, but like Jimin said, they aren't dating. At least, that's what Jeongguk assumes since Hoseok practically offered Taehyung to cuddle him tonight after taking him home and no omega in their right mind would ever let the alpha they like cuddle with a person other than themselves.

So a part of him is relieved. Maybe this whole time he's been overthinking things with Hoseok and Taehyung.

"Okay." He answers curtly. "But you both owe me a cuddle session."

Hoseok is confused on how he owes the boy a cuddle session but he doesn't bother with asking. Frankly, he loves the idea of that. Usually, he'd blame his want for physical touch on his omega instincts but it's his love language. And honestly, who wouldn't cuddle with two attractive people?

"Alright, pup." Taehyung rolls his eyes playfully. "Now go upstairs with hyung and find out where we'll sleep tonight. I'll be back in a few."

Jeongguk nods, finally accepting his fate. He decides to step a bit closer to Hoseok and embrace him tightly. The omega is warm and smells nice. His honeysuckle and melon scent makes the boy even more sleepy. Yet he can't stop himself from inhaling it greedily. Hoseok smells amazing and he sort of wishes he could be surrounded in his scent a little longer.

After returning the hug and allowing it to last a bit longer, Hoseok breaks it. Before Jeongguk can pout in protest, a feathery kiss is placed on his cheek.

"Goodnight, bun. Text me in the morning, okay?"

Taken by surprise, he can only nod as blood rushes to his face. Taehyung gives him an adorable grin and pats his shoulder. "See ya in a bit." Then he throws an arm around Hoseok who leans into his embrace and the two leave Jeongguk as a blushing mess in the middle of the loung.

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