38- how to do what's best for you

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Next chapter next week 💗
I wrote a huge chapter (3700+ words) so now i'm breaking it down into multiple chapters lol.

"Fine, you win!" Jimin huffs, shoving the toy gun back into the game socket.

After losing to Yoongi in multiple games, the omega became a bit heated. Well, as heated as anyone would when losing in Halo. And Street Fighter. And Mortal Kombat. And Battle Ship. And...well, the point was made.

It's not like Jimin didn't expect him to go easy on him, but he was surprised that Yoongi could get as competitive as he could. It wasn't just one sided competition and it made the omega realize that he may have just met his match when it comes to competition.

"Did you think I'd go easy on you?" The alpha chuckles, placing the toy gun back.

Jimin rolls his eyes, "You're in here more than me, you have more practice."

They headed back to the bar to grab a drink. They both ended up getting water, mostly due to the fact that all their yelling and energy spent on the games was starting to catch up with them. And while they enjoyed their time at the arcade, Jimin got to see a new side of Yoongi. The alpha is more playful and childish than he thought, and he finds that very endearing.

Jimin scrunches his face when he feels a finger tap his nose. He turns to the alpha with a frown. "What?"

"I enjoyed playing games with you, but I have another thing planned." He says, sipping from his glass of water.

Jimin raises his brows, "really?" He honestly expected this to be the entire date. He's had fun and he really wouldn't mind if this was all that the alpha had planned. But the fact that there's more makes Jimin feel a bit excited. Yoongi really put in the effort to plan out a nice first date.

"Yes," Yoongi sets his glass down and checks his phone. "We should leave soon."

After a few more minutes of chilling, drinking water, and recaping the many losses Jimin had endured, the two were heading out of the speakeasy arcade and back to the car. They begin driving and for a while, Jimin doesn't question where they're going. But the more he sees the city disappearing and the roads become more overgrown with trees, he begins to get confused.

"Where are we heading?" He asks over the soft lofi music playing in the car.

He's surprised when Yoongi reaches over and places his hand on his thigh. The action made his skin tingle and body warm up. The alpha smiles at his reaction, focusing back in the road.

"It's a surprise."

But the omega rolls his eyes, "this is the way to the pack."

"Yes. It is." The alpha responds with a an eye roll of his own.

Jimin scoffs at being bratted back. He looks out the window, taking in all the beautiful trees and greenery. He doesn't think he'll ever get over it. His inner wolf grew ansty with wanting to be let out again in the forest. Jimin wonders if they can go on a run again. Last time, he had a lot of fun.

And though Yoongi's wolf is huge, the alpha let him lead and control wherever they went. Jimin rolls his window down in order to smell the addicting scent of nature. The damp soil, the smell of the riverbank, tree bark and other forms of plants. It reminds him of home, though he's never experienced smells like this at home. Something about the pack lands just makes him feel like he belongs there. His wolf especially believes he belongs there.

He glances over at the alpha driving. He's tapping his fingers rhythmically to the beat playing. Yoongi, with his long dark hair and broad eyebrows, have somehow managed to capture Jimin's heart. Maybe it was whenever the alpha decided to dye his hair back to black, but Jimin gets a strong aura from him. A demeanor of dominance, yet not the stereotypical dominance that most alphas tend to display. Yoongi's dominance is comforting and welcoming.

How To Tame An Omega- yoonminWhere stories live. Discover now