17- how to have a good day

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It should have been common sense. He not only slept in an alpha's bed last night, but he also showered with the alpha's soap in the morning and was given the alpha's shirt to put on afterwards. He smelled strongly of the alpha.

It should have been obvious that he would get some strange looks from Yoongi's pack mates. During breakfast, he got many glances and side eyes from people but he tried not to think of it.

After eating breakfast with Jeongguk, the two decided to get ready to go venture out into the festival again. He allowed the boy to lead him back to the rooms because he had no idea how he got there in the first place. The pack house was huge and not all members of the pack lived there, but many of them were walking around or had meetings with other leaders. While waiting for the elevator, an older woman approached them.

"Hello Jeonggukie! It's always a pleasure to see you here!" She exclaimed and Jeongguk smiled warmly at her.

"Hi, Mrs. Min! It's nice to see you too!" He said and Jimin realized that this woman was Yoongi's mother. She helped him out when he hurt his knee despite him giving her attitude.

"Jimin, right?" She questioned, now looking up at the omega.

Jimin nodded and cleared his throat. "I'm sorry about my attitude from last time. You were only trying to help and I was very rude."

The woman fanned the air with a dismissive smile. "Don't worry, sweetheart. You got injured in a place you weren't familiar with so you were on edge. I get it."

Jimin was about to say something when the woman stepped a bit closer and sniffed him. Her eyes widened and a cheeky grin grew on her face. "You smell like my son."

"I-It's because I'm wearing his shirt," the omega tried to lie. "His scent must still be on it."

Mrs. Min chuckled just as the elevator dinged. "I've been on this Earth for many years, Jimin. I'm not a fool."

Jeongguk laughed as she walked away and Jimin's face was red with embarrassment. Then, he smelled that familiar lemongrass scent. He turned towards the elevator and Yoongi walked out of it with a frown on.

"Why were you guys talking to my mom?" He asked and Jeongguk hurried to grab the elevator before it closed. He held it open for Jimin.

"She smelled your scent on Jimin." He explained.

"Oh. Well there's not much I can do about that." The alpha shrugged. Just as the elevator doors began closing, he called out to them.

"Meet me in the lounge when you're done."

When they got upstairs, more specifically to the guest room Jeongguk stayed in, the boy began smiling a little wider. At first Jimin thought it was because he was just happy, but the more he kept sighing and staring off into space made him believe that the boy had something on his mind. Or someone.

"Okay, what has you smiling like that?" He finally questions him after ten minutes of silence. Jeongguk is never this quiet, never so still and focused.

Like a deer in headlights, he freezes and Jimin can see the blood rushing to his face. Then, Jeongguk's smile turns shy and he sits down on the bed. Jimin can't help but think that he's adorable. Based off how shy he's acting, this must be about Taehyung. And now he's curious to know what they did last night.

"Did you guys..." he starts but then lowers his voice cautiously. "Have sex?"

Jeongguk gasps and covers his face. "No! My dad would kill me!"

How To Tame An Omega- yoonminWhere stories live. Discover now