4- how to apologize

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Jimin had actually wanted to skip school today. His dad went to work earlier than usual so it isn't like he'd get caught. Plus, with his heat approaching, he was having body aches and did not want to be around other people right now. But the pinkette knew he had to apologize to Jeongguk. He blew up on him and yelled at him for no reason at all. So it's only right that he fixes things.

Plus, Jeongguk could be his first friend.

Locating the unpresented boy wasn't as hard as he thought it would be. Jimin started his search at lunchtime and quickly searched around the cafeteria for Jeongguk. He found him sitting at a table with Seokjin, that Hoseok guy, some alpha he hasn't met, and a familiar alpha. Min Yoongi.

He was hoping that Jeongguk would be alone so that he wouldn't have to embarrass himself in front of everyone but apparently the Goddesses wanted him to suffer.

When Seokjin notices his presence, he doesn't miss the glare given to him. Of course, he kind of deserved it but it made a shiver go dowm his spine. He hesitates, gathering the courage to actually speak up, and when he does, all their eyes fall on him.

"Um, Jeongguk?" He says meekly. The boy in question looks up from chewing his sandwich, wide eyes blinking in surprise.

Jimin shifts on his feet. "I'm, uh, sorry for yelling at you the other day. I didn't mean to be rude."

Jeongguk finishes his food and the alpha beside him rubs his back. The male has ash grey hair that makes him look intimidating, as if the glare he gives Jimin isn't scary enough. Jeongguk looks rather awkward, though, as he looks up at the pinkette.

"I appreciate your apology, Jimin-ssi." He mutters out and Jimin almost didn't hear it.

He quickly realizes that Jeongguk hadn't accepted his apology. And truthfully, he doesn't have to. He yelled at him and embarrassed him in front of their parents. Jeongguk was only optimistic about the situation meanwhile Jimin shut him down and snapped at him rudely. He not only disrespected Jeongguk, but both of their dads and Yoongi as well. Actually reflecting on his actions made him feel 10x worse about it.

Jimin's face is probably nearing a deep red color. His sweaty palms curl into fists at his sides and he avoids eye contact with the others. He should just walk away already but he has to apologize to Yoongi first. The alpha was only friendly towards him and he treated him horribly. But then again, Jimin seems to make it a trend to drive every potential friend away.

"Yoongi?" He catches the attention of the alpha who was on his phone, seemingly not interested. Though he doesn't say anything to acknowledge that he heard him, Jimin can feel his feline eyes on him.

"I'm sorry for being rude to you, too."

"Who are you again?" Hoseok asks with a frown. He doesn't like the fact that the boy was rude to both of his friends.

Jimin gulps, considering just running away. Hoseok may be an omega but he sure as hell didn't seem like one. He had the aura of an alpha.

"That's Jimin. His dad is dating my dad. We all have our last class together." Jeongguk decides to fill Hoseok in.

"I don't like you being rude to my friends," Hoseok starts, ignoring the pointed look from Seokjin that he received. "But It's nice that you apologized. It shows that you have room for improvement."

Jimin wanted to retaliate to that statement but kept his mouth shut and nodded like an obedient little omega. He can't keep ruining potential friendships with his sarcastic and snappy mouth. He watches as Hoseok turns to Yoongi and they begin to talk, completely ignoring his existence. Yoongi either didn't hear or didn't acknowledge his apology.

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