27- how to kill a party

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TW: Sexual assualt. The part will be marked with **

"I dare you...to take another shot."

Some people boo and complain, saying that it was a lame dare. But Yoongi, for the first time since Jimin arrived, speaks.

"No. He's already drunk, give him another dare." He says to Jinseok.

"I'm not drunk," Jimin scoffs, sounding believable. "Who the fuck are you, anyway? You don't own me, you stupid fucking alpha."

"Woah, calm down there, sweetheart." Jinseok laughs, pouring another shot. "Yoongi has the tendency to try to control people. Here's your shot." He slides it to him on the floor.

Seokjin glances at Jimin. "This is your last shot, okay?" He warns him and Jimin huffs, nodding.

"Okay, last one." He mumbles before taking it. He grunts at the taste and swallows the rest of his drink to rinse it down. Seconds later, he feels it hit him and he nearly falls on to Jeongguk.

"Okay, bartender! Cut him off!" Some random girl laughs. The others agree, finding it funny.

The game goes on and Jimin grows more drunk. He begins feeling a bit nauseous. He shifts so that he can pull his knees to his chest and lie his chin on them. For some reason, he looks at Yoongi and suddenly feels his heart ache.

Yoongi is watching him with worried eyes. He looks disappointed, but he's worried. Or is Jimin just reading into it all? Because he thought that Yoongi liked him but clearly he was just being delusional. Yet he'd be lying if he said he didn't miss him. Looking at Yoongi now, even in his drunken state, Jimin misses him. And then Yoongi looks away from him and he gets his answer. He's just reading into things. Of course the alpha doesn't care about him. He made that clear in the school hallway.

After a few more minutes, he has to pee. "Where's the bathroom?" He asks to no one in particular.

Jinseok stands up. "It's upstairs. I'll show you."

Yoongi suddenly stands up as well, stepping next to his cousin. "Let me take him."

Jimin steps back, stumbling a bit. Jinseok holds him up. "No, I don't want to be around you." Jimin scoffs. "Go fuck your pretty little, dumb airhead, stupid omega bitch!"


"Is he talking about Yeonjin?"

"Wow, I'd love to get that omega in bed!"

"I'll take him, Yoongi." Jinseok states. He places his hand on the alpha's chest. "I don't know how you two know each other or what you did to him, but he clearly doesn't wanna talk to you."

The people around laugh and make jokes. Jinseok begins carefully leading Jimin upstairs. Seokjin watches them hesitantly.

"Jimin, call me if you need me, okay?" He says and Jimin hums, holding on to the staircase railing.

Jinseok helps him get up the stairs and once they're in the kitchen, he gets a bottle of water for him. "Here, drink this." He says while handing it to him and leading him up the second set of stairs towards the bathroom.

Jimin drinks the water quickly, stumbling after him. The music is loud in his ears and seeing people dancing makes him want to dance, too. So he forgets about following Jinseok and begins dancing with some random people. He spills his water everywhere and giggles when the people move away. It was funny.

"C'mon, emo boy. Let's get you upstairs." Jinseok says over the music, dragging Jimin towards the staircase.

Jimin frowns and slowly begins climbing the stairs. He looks back behind him and grows dizzy seeing the crowd of people dancing and singing along to the song lyrics. When he turns back he trips up the steps and is just nearly caught by Jinseok.

How To Tame An Omega- yoonminWhere stories live. Discover now