18- how to get a free jacket

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He's been laying in bed for the last fifteen minutes. His alarm had went off twice, yet he didn't have the energy to get up. He stares blankly at the ceiling, breathing slow and calm. It was like he was in a state of nothingness. Nothing mattered and nothing happened.

It's weird lying still. Listening to his own even breaths. He can hear the birds chirping outside through his window. He can see the shadows of the leaves bouncing across his ceiling from where his curtain allowed in a bit of sunlight. Everything is still. And maybe just laying here, taking in the peacefulness of the morning, is something that his mind needed.

After a few more minutes of staring at the ceiling, his phone buzzes. He inhales and sits up slowly, exhaling. He picks up his phone off the nearby nightstand and looks down at it. It's 8:03am. Class started at 7:30am. He didn't over sleep. He just wanted to enjoy the peacefulness of the morning.

And he didn't want to wake up at 6:30am to get ready for school.

Where are you?

He frowns slightly at the text he received. He rarely texted Yoongi, infact the only conversation they had was "save my number, this is Jimin." So to see a text from the alpha this early in the morning, it was a little strange.

I'm at home

Why? Are u sick?


That was the best excuse he could come up with. He didn't want to say that he purposely just didn't feel like getting up. He doesn't have the energy to do anything, not even wash his face or put on presentable clothing. He doesn't want to go to school at all but he knows that the school will call his father if he doesn't go. So he stands from the bed and pulls his arms up to stretch.

U better come to school

I made too much food & I don't want to watse it so u can have it

Jimin rolls his eyes. What is up with the alpha always trying to feed him? He isn't that skinny, is he? He picks up his phone and types out a reply.

Give it to Jk

but this is our thing

Stifling a chuckle, Jimin tosses his phone away and begins to find something to wear. He really needed to clean his room. Clothes were everywhere and he can't tell what's clean or dirty. Plus, he hasn't showered since yesterday morning, so his room isn't the only thing that's dirty.

And weirdly enough, he still smelled like a certain alpha's lemongrass scent from yesterday. His dad interrogated him the whole ride home about why he smelled like an alpha. All he could say was that he was wearing Yoongi's shirt because he didn't bring anything clean clothes. But even after taking the shirt off, he still smelled like him.

He picked the shirt up from the floor, a large dark grey shirt with some foreign language written in small print on the front, and examined it. It smells like him. It's surprising how the scent hasn't faded yet. Then again, Jimin DID sleep in his bed and used his soap and wore the shirt, so it'd be a while before the scent goes away.

He throws the shirt on top of a pile of clothes that he thinks are dirty. He'll wash it before returning it. He pulls a random black long sleeve shirt and a pair of sweatpants before putting them on. They didn't smell dirty. He didn't bother looking in the mirror to style his hair, he just went downstairs, put  on his shoes and grabbed his backpack. He wasn't prepared for the crisp air but it wasn't cold enough to where he'd run inside and grab a coat. He figured he'd warm up.

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