35- how to warm up (pt. 2)

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Make sure u read pt. 1!!
i just realized this story will probably have 50+ chapters...if not then a 2nd book cuz there's hella plot we gotta get into 😭

"Actually..." he starts off hesitantly. "I think I'm still a little cold."

The alpha frowns for a second, thinking that Jimin is being serious. But when the omega looks away shyly he gets the memo. He steps close again, carefully sliding his hands to the omega's waist, and leaning in. Only this time, his lips meet Jimin's. Careful and gently, his lips touch his. They're soft, shy, but welcoming.

Jimin feels like he can't breathe, but in a good way. When Yoongi pulls away this time, his hands stay on his waist. This time even Yoongi wears a blush. It's cute. And the omega grows shy again so he attempts to step away, only for the alpha to pull him into a hug.

"You're cold, right?" He says softly as his hands slowly slide underneath the fabric of Jimin's hoodie and grazes his warm skin.

"Can I warm you up?"

Jimin rests his chin on Yoongi's shoulder. His heart feels like it's trying to escape and he knows that Yoongi can feel his pulse under his fingertips. He doesn't know what this question implies but he kinda wants to find out. Though they shared two small, innocent kisses, Jimin wants more. He wants to know more, wants to be exposed to more. The moral part of him feels like thos is too overwhelming but the touch starved part of him wants to see where this could go. His inner wolf is very ecstatic.

"What does that mean..?" He asks quietly, his voice sounding as shy as he feels now. That confidence earlier left so quick. It reminded him that he isn't a pro at this. He realized that Yoongi has done things like this before and that he hasn't.

"It means whatever you want it to mean." The alpha answers. Jimin's skin begins to get goosebumps as he suddenly starts rubbing his waist with his thumbs.

He feels suffocated despite being outside. He feels exposed as well. Being out in the open under a lamp post felt a bit uncomfortable, especially with the conversation they're having. It may be innocent words but Jimin isn't stupid, he knows what Yoongi is implying (well, he kinda knows) he just doesn't know how to express what he wants. He doesn't really know what he wants. But he likes the feeling of this, of Yoongi being close to him.

Yoongi suddenly steps out of the hug and holds Jimin at arm's length. He wears a kind smile, "are you okay? It's perfectly fine if you just wanna go to the car or keep walking. I don't want to overwhelm you."

Taking a deep breath, Jimin nods. "I-I'm okay. It's just that...this is new to me."

Yoongi quickly realizes what Jimin means. "Ah, I understand. Um, how about we start heading home then? It's pretty late."

Jimin is a little disappointed by thar response but he reluctantly nods. Yoongi removes his warm hands and instead extends one out to him to hold. They walk to the car in slightly awkward silence. Or maybe it was only Jimin who felt awkward. He had wanted more but was too shy to communicate it. And it seems like Yoongi retreated after realizing that Jimin has no experience with this. It made him overthink. Is it because he isn't as experienced as all those other omegas Yoongi has dated or been with? Do alphas prefer experienced omegas? Does that make him less attractive? He's never thought about these things until now.

When they get to the car, the silence is so awkward it's almost suffocating. Not to mention there was a thick tension between them. Their scents were strong and potent, mingled together messily. But it was alluring. Jimin wondered how well their scents could mix.

Yoongi takes a deep breath and stretches in the seat. The he puts his seatbelt on. Them after a few seconds he takes it off. Jimin watched him silently with his own seatbelt on. He watches Yoongi take out his keys and start the car. Before he could put it in reverse to leave the parking lot, Jimin grabbed his hand.

How To Tame An Omega- yoonminWhere stories live. Discover now