14- how to put up a fight

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He can feel his blood pumping through his veins. The thumping of his heart inside of his ribcage, the vibrations on the ground. Every noise is drowned out in a sea of water, the sounds rippling through it like a distant echo. Bright, colorful lights blink in his peripheral vision as his eyes stay rooted on the person in front of him. The way light of the fireworks bounces off his honey kissed skin has him captivated. If he could put the way he feels from just his senses in this very moment into words, he'd call it; "Love."

Yes. Jeon Jeongguk just realized that he is in love with his crush of two years, Kim Taehyung.

The older boy is focused on watching the fireworks explode in the sky while Jeongguk is watching him. How could he take his eyes off of him? Taehyung is handsome. And gazing at his side profile, with his sharp jawline on display and his eyes blown wide in wonder, Jeongguk doesn't know why it took him so long to fall in love with him.

"Gguk? Stop staring, you're gonna miss it." Taehyung says after taking a glance at him.

Jeongguk rolls his eyes but his cheeks heat up at being caught. Still, he takes a break from taking mental screenchots of his crush's face and enjoys the fireworks for a bit longer.

After another ten minutes of synchronized flashing of colors and gun powder fogging up the air, the fireworks show is over. Some people 'boo' in annoyance while others start making their way out of the crowd. He pulls out his phone and checks the time, frowning. Jimin's father would be coming to pick them both up soon which meant that he'd have to leave Taehyung soon as well.

"We should go find Jimin," he mumbles, putting his phone away.

"What was that? I can't hear you." Taehyung says a bit loudly over the noise of the crowd.

"I said..." Jeongguk cuts himself off when Taehyung suddenly leans closer to hear him. His face is almost touching his reddening cheeks and he can feel Taehyung's warm puffs of air brushing against his skin. His heart rate accelerates and he begins to stutter.

"I-I said that we should go find J-Jimin."

Taehyung pulls back with a nod. "He was sitting on the bench, right?" He asks as they begin walking the way they last saw the omega boy.

Jeongguk nods though Taehyung misses it. After shuffling through the influx of people, they make it to the bench. It's currently being occupied by a few random people, none of which were Jimin.

"Where do you think he went?" Jeongguk questions with a slight frown. He looks around the crowd, letting out a small sigh. It would be impossible to find a small person like Jimin among so many people.

"He couldn't have gone far. He's only got one leg."

Jeongguk stiffles a small chuckle. Taehyung shoots him a smile.

They walk around aimlessly for a bit, searching for the missing omega. Jeongguk grows increasingly worried and debates on calling Jimin's dad to help them. Neither Jeongguk nor Taehyung knows Jimin's scent enough to track him and even then, Jeongguk is unpresented and Taehyung wouldn't be able to pin down his scent among hundreds of others.

Just when they're about to move on to search another part of the pack land, they hear a familiar growl. Taehyung immediately picks up on the scent of honey and melon gradually turning into sour distress. He doesn't hesitate to run towards it.

Jeongguk rushes after him, confused. "What's wrong? Why are we running?"

Taehyung doesn't answer but his scent gets stronger, alerting some of the people who watch them run by. The alpha was increasingly getting angry and it was starting to worry Jeongguk.

How To Tame An Omega- yoonminWhere stories live. Discover now