5- how to let it all out

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TW: self harm and mentions of suicide. Please only read if you're in a safe place mentally.

The alpha, smelling a bit stronger than normal because of the rising anger coursing through his bloodstream, steps closer to the distraught omega. Jimin notes that he smells of citrus and mint, lemongrass, perhaps. His scent is sharp. In a very concerning and strange way, Jimin feels himself calming a bit.

Maybe Yoongi is releasing calming pheromones on purpose?

He steps a bit closer, eyes trained on the omega's bloody nose. "Jimin, who did this?"

Jimin debates on telling him that he got smacked by a door and not attacked. He could lie and say he won a fight but a lie like that would take too much effort. It's quite embarrassing that he got hit by a door, though. And he's already drooling and crying and dribbling blood right now so really, how more embarrassed can he get?

"I-it was an accident." He stutters out, sniffling. He hiccups, staring at the ground and wiping his eyes. He feels pathetic. Embarrassed and pathetic and he wants to go home.

"Can you p-please take me home now?"

The alpha ignores him. "Why are you crying so hard?" He demands quietly. He spoke as softly as one could when demanding a response from another. "Tell me the truth."

The pinkette wipes at his eyes again, upset that his tears never cease. "W-why the fuck do you care?" He tries to sound harsh but ends up sounding broken.

"Because you're hurt, Jimin."

And the alpha takes another step closer, peering at his reddened nose once more. Weirdly enough, Jimin feels smaller under his gaze. He can't help but to hate himself even more for allowing the alpha to pity him. So he turns away from his gaze and walks over to the sink to rinse the blood from his hands. He almost grew dizzy from the sight of it.

He then grabs a paper towel, wets it, and wipes his nose. When he winces in pain, the alpha is right next to him, eyes flickering over his face in concern as if he's a damn porcelain doll.

"Let me help," Yoongi offers but Jimin shakes his head. He's perfectly fine on his own.

"I don't need some stupid fucking alpha to help me." He grumbles out, though he meant to say it in his head.

Yoongi doesn't show much of a reaction to it, though. He just stands beside him and watches as he cleans himself up. Luckily the tears and the blood has stopped but he still looks horrible. He splashes water on his face, pats it dry, and stares at himself.

Ugly. He thinks. His eyes are sunken in and dark from lacking proper sleep. They're glazed red from crying and his skin is a sickly pale. Fucking ugly.

His eyes tear up again on their own and he wills himself to glance away from the mirror. His teary eyes land on Min Yoongi who's own are frowned in concern. It irritates the omega because why is he concerned? Their eyes are locked and Jimin can't make out a single thought behind the alpha's deep brown eyes.

"Take me home," he demands quietly, eyes not faltering from the gaze of the alpha.

And he expects a retaliation. A snarky response, even. But instead, Yoongi nods and turns to walk towards the door. He hesitates but follows the alpha, stepping out into the hallway. The dismissal bell should ring soon.

"Alpha! I was looking for you!" A female omega suddenly appears out of nowhere, latching herself to Yoongi's side.

"You don't have to address me as alpha at school." Yoongi says as he continues walking and Jimin follows behind, confused. Why is this girl calling Yoongi 'alpha?' Is she his girlfriend?

How To Tame An Omega- yoonminWhere stories live. Discover now