13- how to comfort an omega

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Now being alone, Jimin began to think more. Or rather, he tried to get lost in his thoughts to keep his growing anxiety down. Crowds are never his thing and it only seems to grow as more people get eager to see the fireworks.

Embarrassingly, his thoughts go to Yoongi. The alpha is weird. He's nice and puts up with Jimin's attitude. He also has an attitude of his own, not in a bad way, but they would always bicker with each other. And the alpha always has a smart remark to say whenever Jimin snaps at him. It's weird, but Jimin doesn't hate it.

Not to mention he's attractive. It's just an observation. Oddly enough, ever since his dad told him about his crazy theory that the alpha may like him, Jimin's just been thinking the weirdest things about him. It's quite revolting, honestly.

He flinches at the sound of the first set of fireworks going off. He looks up at the night sky and takes in the beautiful colors sprinkling across it like a splatter of paint on a blank canvas. The crowd cheers and Jimin notices just how much people are starting to join it. There was now more people around him with some standing behind him and in front of him, obstructing his veiw because he's sitting. He realizes how pathetic he must look. Sitting by himself watching the fireworks all alone like a movie protagonist.

The people cheer loudly when the fireworks shoot up again. He can feel his heartbeat accelerating. God, he just wanted to watch the fireworks but his anxiety had other plans. Too many people and loud noises were two of his triggers, and putting them together with the fact that he knows no one else here besides Jeongguk definitely made him feel more on edge.

He decides to sit through it for a while, thinking it might simmer down the more he got used to the noise. But it doesn't. And soon, he starts to feel claustrophobic and shaky. So he grabs his crutches with shaking hands and forces his body up. The people around him are so close that it's hard for him to get away. A few time, he gets brushed against or even bumped into. And if that wasn't enough, he doesn't even know where he's going. He doesn't remember how to get back to where the festival was and he can only see the lights on the rides from far across the now large crowd.

The sky flashes with more colors. He maneuvers through as fast as he can as he can feel his panic rising quicker. One thing he doesn't want to do is have a panic attack in the middle of a crowd. His knee starts aching even more as he's forced to put weight on it because people won't move out the way for his crutches. His chest rises and falls at an uneven manner and he can't even hear his own thoughts over the loudness around him.

The fireworks keep erupting in loud cracks and booms. His shaky hands grow sweaty and because of this, he loses his grip on one of his crutches and it falls against someone nearby. The person scoffs and Jimin mumbles out an apology before attempting to pick it up, only for them to get to it before him.

"Oh, look! It's the loud mouth omega bitch from school!" The person, who just so happens to be one of the no name alphas that hate him, says. His friends laugh along and one of them takes his crutch and begins playing with it.

"Give it back!" He yells at them over the fireworks. His voice cracks and they laugh at him even more.

The guy who had it sticks his tongue out. "Come grab it, bitch!"

Jimin seriously debated on just letting them keep the crutch but he knows he needs it. Right now, he isn't supposed to be putting weight on his leg and can barely walk without using them. He knows he stands no chance against these alphas, though.

He takes a deep breath, trying to calm himself. The last thing he wants is for them to see him cry. "Please just give it back."

An omega girl who Jimin recognizes but doesn't remember her name, laughs at him. She is probably the girl who kept trying to get Yoongi's attention. She looks likes her.

How To Tame An Omega- yoonminWhere stories live. Discover now