6- how to be forgiven

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"You stupid fucking alpha," Jimin quite literally growls out as he watches his father and Min Yoongi stand on the front porch.

After he had fallen asleep in the alpha's car after embarrassingly venting and crying like a baby, Yoongi drove them to a fast food restaurant and ordered food. He then took him home but decided to wait another hour, which Jimin found kinda creepy, until his dad got off of work and arrived home. He then woke Jimin up, played it off as a coincidence that his dad arrived, and sent him on his way with a burger, fries and a milkshake.

Only that Jimin's father obviously questioned why his son, who doesn't hide the fact that he hates alphas, was in a car with one. Though, he was relieved when he found out it was Yoongi and not some random. But he was still concerned, especially since Jimin texted him so frantically earlier.

And of course, being the well behaved alpha Yoongi is, he explained the situation while Jimin ignored his father and went to the kitchen to put ketchup on his burger. He hadn't eaten all day, afterall.

At first, he was relieved that Yoongi didn't tell his father the full story, only that he had a panic attack, but Jimin didn't want his father to know that he was contemplating suicide. He didn't want to deal with the look of disappointment his father would give him.

But Yoongi, Min stupid fucking Yoongi, just had to be a snitch and tell him. He also added the fact that Jimin was scratching at his wrists. What a jerk.

"Park Jimin, watch your mouth." His father scolds him and Jimin rolls his eyes, looking at the alpha who stares at him with an emotionless expression. He was like a brick wall. Just existing with no emotions. Well, that's how Jimin sees him.

"I'm sorry. It was for your own safety." Yoongi says and for some reason that angers Jimin. He digs into the takeout bag and pulls out a french fry.

"Fuck you, you snitch!" He scoffs, chucking the fry at the alpha.

"Jimin!" His father glares at him, huffing in annoyance.

Jimin rolls his eyes once more and goes back inside the house, slamming the door. His father groans into his hands, pulling weakly at his hair. "That boy will be the death of me." He mutters out.

Yoongi looks down at the cold and lifeless fry on the ground and sighs. He clears his throat. "As I was saying, Mr. Park, please monitor him. He isn't in a good mental state."

Park Jisung nods, lifting his gaze back up to the young alpha. "I appreciate you for letting me know. I'll watch him." He then hesitates but adds on. "Please don't tell anyone else about this. Jimin already gets bullied at school and I-"

"I won't," he states. "I promise."

And Jimin's father nods, sighing again. It's obvious that he's stressed and tired. Dealing with a hormonal teenager isn't easy for anyone, but it was especially hard for him since he was raising Jimin alone and his son has changed so much since he became a teenager. He's almost like a whole new person. Jisung misses the sweet little boy he had. He misses his chubby cheeks, short legs, and stubby fingers. He misses the lively boy that he used to be.

"Also," Yoongi decides to mention. "I think you should spend more time with him. Even if he hates it, he'll at least know that you care about him."

Jisung frowns at that and his chest begins to ache. He wishes he could spend more time with him, but he works so much so that the bills are paid and since he's the only source of income, it's hard to stop working as much. But these are just excuses. He knows he needs to care for his son. He has to figure out a way to manage both work and family.

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