29- how to confess to an omega

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I 1000% forgot to update last week sorry yall 😭

"I-I don't really know how to explain this, and I'm not saying this because you may not know what I'm talking about because I'm an alpha, but because it's something that is difficult for me to even understand."

Jimin nods carefully, sipping the broth from his soup. Yoongi looks down at the table and sighs.

"Um...because I'm an alpha, I do this thing sometimes-, and I'm not saying this to excuse my actions or anything like that, just so you know. But we have this thing where our instincts, our inner alpha, takes over sometimes." Yoongi explains carefully. Though it's obvious that he's nervous about this whole conversation and Jimin finds it interesting.

"So like...sometimes we can be more emotional or easily irritable when our alpha is present. But also, it's kinda like our inner alpha has a mind of its own. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about because omegas have it too. So...basically, I think that my alpha is attracted to you or more specifically, your omega."

Jimin frowns. That wasn't the confession he was expecting. And it makes sense, but it doesn't at the same time. If Yoongi's alpha was attracted to him, wouldn't Yoongi be attracted to him as well? The two can't separate, they are the same vessel and the same mind. It's just that the inner alpha is usually subconscious or pushed into the back while the human instincts are present. The opposite happens when they shift into their wolf forms. The human becomes subconscious and the alpha becomes present. But they feel the same emotions, one is more logical than the other and one is more emotional than the other.

Then Jimin remembers what his dad told him about alphas. How they court omegas. This whole time, or at least for a few weeks, Yoongi courted him in a traditional alpha way. By giving the person of interest food, it shows them that the alpha can provide for them. And protecting them shows possessiveness and loyalty. It's confusing to Jimin. Does he like him or not?

Yoongi sees Jimin's frown deepen and he rushes to speak. "I realized that my alpha had formed an attachment to you the moment I saw you crying in the bathroom stall with a bloody nose, the second time we met. There was a strong desire to protect you. But this feeling kept appearing whenever I could sense your emotions. Which is why a lot of the times, I could tell when you were upset because I could sense your distress. And I can pinpoint your scent out of thousands. My alpha gets distressed when you're upset."

Jimin scoffs quietly. He'd be dumb to believe the alpha's words after everything that happened these past few weeks. "You say this but then you go and fuck another omega. Repeatedly. Even after you called me your omega in front of our friends. Am I just supposed to forget all that happened?"

"No," Yoongi looks up at him, sighing. "Me and Yeonjin have been helping each other with heats and ruts for years, even after we broke up. And she helped me through my rut so I had to help her through her heat, but whenever she caught a wiff of your scent, she broke down crying. So I had to keep my distance from you in order to keep our scents from mingling because she'd scream and cry if she smelled your scent and I hated dealing with her attitude, especially during her heat."

The alpha glances away once more. "I thought that you didn't care much, to be honest. You never seemed interested in me being around and it was usually me talking first or engaging first, so I thought that me helping Yeonjin wasn't a big deal to you because you didn't seem to say anything about it. You always seemed so outspoken, so I figured that if it bothered you, you'd say something."

"You expected me to cry and beg for you back? I don't chase people, especially not alphas." Jimin shoots back, mildly offended by Yoongi's statement. It rubbed him the wrong way.

How To Tame An Omega- yoonminWhere stories live. Discover now