𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐭𝐨 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫

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TW !!


oh & WHAT A TWEAST! i mean/ plot twist.

" yeah , i guess being popular is hard. its pretty boring , but i wouldnt call myself THAT popular... " chiaki explained but i wasnt paying attention , i kept staring at him .

" y/n " akane called.

' jeez , he's hot... i dont understand how he's weird- maybe if he wasnt weird he would have bren dating someone about now .... ' i thought.

" y/n! ya daydreaming again?! damn. " miu said.

" i dont understand how's he's still single... " i accidentally said out loud.

" you like someone... " ibuki said. " OMG ! Y/N LIKES SOMEONE! " the whole class looked at the group.

" really?! " kokichi asked.

" about time.. " kazuichi whispered.

" dont care. " byakuya said.

" who fucking cares?! shut the fuck up " fuyuhiko said.

" really? gonta so happy for y/n! " SOMEONE said.

" goodluck y/n , i hope they like you back- i honestly wouldnt understand why they wouldnt like you! you're amazing! " nagito walked up to my desk.

him. thats the boy i want.

" thanks komaeda... " i stared into his dreamlike eyes.

" oh , no ! you can call me nagito ! i wouldnt mind ! " he gave me a closed eye smile. i love when he does that..

" oh th- "

" i bet its this creep she likes! " miu says , giving a thumbs down in disapproval.

" mhm...... " i stare at nagito w/ a small smile.

" ew , im going back to my classroom. " miu said , grabbing her bag. " oh- bye miuuuu! " ibuki said.

nagito's attention went from the door to me. "so do you have any plans tonight ? " he asks. "well im sure y- "

" id love that.... " i put my hand on top of his , thats on my desk. i then rub my fingers across his hand.

" this is getting creepy.... im out. " akane says , picking up her bag.

sooner or later , class starts. the whole time , my eyes were on nagito. im sure he felt someone staring at him , but i didnt care. he was perfect.

& that perfection , was gonna be mines .

" alright , class dismissed ! " monomi/usami told us.

everyone got up & out while i did the same. but i wanted to wait for nagito outside of the school building.

i seen him walking out looking down w/ a smile on his face. " hey , nagito so we're we going tonight ? " i ask him.

" oh? i thought you were only saying ' yes ' so you wouldn't embarrass me in front of everyone! " he said. " well if you really wanna go some where... how about your house ? " he suggests.

exactly what i wanted him to say.

" thats amazing ! okay , we'll head there now ! " i insist , grabbing his hand & running.

" would you like anything ? " i ask him.

" just water.. " he says.

i get him the water & sit next to him. he takes a sip & puts his hand over the cup.

" want a sip? " he asks , sliding the cup to me.

"w-well... sure! " i said. a few seconds later , i started to feel dizzy.

" hey... n-nagito.... im gonna go take a nap... ill be in my room if you need me...... " i stand up. " oh , let me help you! " he insists while picking me up.

i put my arms & legs around him while i faint.

i wake up in a bed. i look around the room & see pictures of me everywhere

" y/n ! you're awake ! " he sits beside me. " i knew you planned to drug me & tie me up... so i did it to you! " he confessed.

i tried moving my arms & legs , but couldnt. " how'd you even know..... " i say , w/ half lit eyes.

" oh , i had my suspicions.. " he tells me. " but now , the main event ! " he took out a knife.
" since you love me & my name so much..... " he gave me another closed eye smile.

" ill carve my name into you. therefore , we'll be bound together like you always wanted. " he lifts up my shirt. " ill carve your name onto me so its fair!! " he says.

" where would you like it ? " he asks. "....... " i stayed quiet.

" okay , for the least amount of pain... ill put it on your thigh. okay w/ you ? " he looks at my thighs.

" s-sure.... " i respond.

" amazing , i love that you're cooperating. that way , its 100x more easier. " he puts his hand on my thigh.

" ill count to 10 ! ready ? " he asks. i slowly nod

" 1.... 2 ... 3- "

" 10! " he suddenly says , then the sharp blade digs into my skin.

" ahhh! " i scream a bit low. " shhh , i dont wanna have to tape your mouth.. " he warns me nicely.

" there! my trashy name!! nagito komaeda ! " he says , rubbing the blood from my thigh.

" y/n ? " he looks up at me. " oh right , you fell asleep. ahahaha dont die on me now , its just a few cuts. i used to do it all the time ! " he says , standing up.

" well , ill be back i gotta let this at least heal a bit so it looks like a few scars " he walks to the door.

" be a good girl while daddy's gone ! " he laughed , walking out .

did ya know y/n was supposed to be the one doing all that to him ? well the tables turned.

[ インスタントミツバ]  𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬 ♡Where stories live. Discover now